*New Vascar type of system*

arizona has cameras mounted on their stop lights. if you run a yellow light they will snap a pic and you can expect a fine in the mail…

also, there was a stint out near indiana, pa where cops where wearing camo and hiding in the woods. they used a radar gun and radioed to the cruisers down the road. got several people including three that were doing 95 in a 55.

a guy at penndot said cops were using a broken down vehicle as a decoy. they would have the hood up and hunch down over the engine with a radar gun in hand. or sit behind a parked semi with their lights flashing yet only they were watching for speeders.

keep an eye out…they’re sneaky sons of bitches.

Atleast once every couple months i see state troopers in various types of vehicles (pendot trucks, minivans, pickup trucks, etc.) sitting on the side of I-79 north bound at the meadowlands exit shooting radar. Then a couple state troopers about 1/4 up the road waiting to pull you over. They do it all the time.

yea and cars running everything through computers these days doesn’t help

gets ideas

black full body suits and the speed of a black man running from the cops after raping a white girl ftmfw

i’ve seen those, not a bad idea but do they work?

you have one?


a few months ago, i was on the turnpike, coming up to a big rig that was pulled off on one of the emergency pulloffs with its hazards on… well as i was approaching it, the radar detector started going nuts, so i slowed down, and as i passed, i noticed a state trooper on the other side of the truck, bastard…

Dad’s friend’s wrong. Municipal police in PA are not permitted to use radar. And, I’m pretty sure neither municipal nor state troopers can use photo.

Its not radar, it’s that ENRADD stuff that was on the news a few months ago. Its like Vascar but uses two beams of light that shoot across the road to mesure your speed. Basically instead of Vascar where it depends on the the reaction time of the cop and his “Stopwatch”, this just reads it.

IT IS LEGAL for local municipalities to use unlike Radar, because it is not Radar.

ENRADD stands for Electronic Non RADar Device.

They have been setting it up down by Spitzers Auto in Monroeville on Route 22.

The Equipment blends in with the guide rails and looks like small reflective marker poles. There is no way to detect it and no way to bypass it since it is a light beam.

They should just make all of the cars drive themselves by computer at the speed limit and just let the “driver” type in the destination on a computer. :(:(:(:(:frowning:

Good idea. Rush hour through the 3 tunnels would be cut drastically :rofl:

some bitch would still find a way to wreck