sounds like something as simple as plugs
Simple+Porsche= Error 404 Not Found
its still a car, regardless of the badge on it. It still gets powered the same way. fuel+air+spark=power
Porsche is NOT a car, is an experience, get it right!! =-P
I know, im goin a bit nuts from this fuckin research project…carry on lol
JVG and I are using his truck, and my friend Alex is letting us use his trailer. Kenny’s trailer is in use at the moment. Now I just need some oopmh to move this 3400lbs paperweight onto the trailer.
I don’t see this being an ECU issue at all, as Justin was saying. The ‘exhaust’ smells like fuel when I try to start it which makes me think ignition issue. I’m guessing coil packs or plugs. I hope so, at least.
you seem cool in person, but thats some serious sack riding from you justin. oh yeah, and is the worlds highest HP Bosch Motronic ME7.5 ECU user for the 1.8t engine, on an OTS 1000cc map.
hahahhahhahahahahhahah +1000000 swingin’
Could still be a fuel pump / fuel delivery issue. I’ve had a car way too lean and it still smelled like fuel out the exhaust, even though it was too lean to start. Or a loose battery terminal or a vacuum leak causing the ecu to learn some goofy fuel trim. Good luck with it!
I had an autometer A/F gauge shit the bed on my eclipse 8 years ago and it fucked up every thing. I had a short in a parking lamp bulb that cause the auto tranny to make every gear nuetral or reverse. Cars are weird. Esp. now with the cpu tech they all have.
Cable come-along from Walmart = $20-40. Use front tow hook. Piece o cake.
are you getting any codes or anything??
I am not sure if you have any o2’s in your exhaust setup or what not ( I dont know shit about porches so bare with me) but I was having the same issue as you when it was damp/raining out with my SS…it was so bad to the point I couldnt even accelerate…once in a while it would clear up and run good, then it would come back…until the car sat for a while and it warmed out and got dry out…well last weekend I pulled out my o2’s cleaned them up and wrapped up all the connections and the problem was solved. Moisture was getting in the o2 plug connections and causing serious misfires.
Buck and stutter could also be coil packs, or plugs. Why dont you try replacing those first before dragging it out there?
And as for the whole EPL comment, I dont know who Tony is, and I’m not saying anything about him or discrediting that shop. I’m not sure why you took it that way. My car does that exact same thing once the ECU has been reset and it needs to relearn the fuel tables. So be easy, christ.
Agreed about the hostile “sticking up/nut swinging for EPL” by Celtic.
I’m sure hes a smart guy, and no one was putting him down. You said that like the guy is god. I don’t care how repsected any tuner is. He’s still a person and its possible he made a mistake or forgot to mention/do something. Although It doesnt sound like that from the problems but I’m obviously no expert on tuning.
Sounds like nothing to do with the ECU to me, but agreed I would replace/do anything you can before bringing it all the way there if it turns out to be something stupid.
Justin < diagnosing motors :lol As a good friend you crack me up sometimes…
DME can be the issue. It’s 100% likely that it being f-ed up had absolutely nothing to do with any of Tony’s work, but doesn’t mean it couldn’t have shit the bed in a timely manner as this. Example…a bad ground cluster could be causing excessive resistance, causing FP to run excessive amps and prematurely burn out. It could also have lead to a burned DME. DME controls ignition…yaddy yada. I’ve replaced a handful of burned Porsche DME’s before, not uncommon in German cars.
A bad FPR can be causing all this as well, and could have also been a cause of the blown FP. However again, nothing that can be diagnosed over a keyboard and requires someone under the bonnet that knows what they’re doing.
There are so many possible causes for this type of crap, that’s why it’s important to get it to someone who knows how to diagnose them.
Cossey, if I wasn’t so god-damn busy here I’d have you bring it down and let me work the issues out. There are two main chassis ground points for the DME harness in the engine bay, I’d have Tony double check their condition/security. RUF Autocenter would have been the one who initially puled the engine, but even those that work on these cars 24-7 are not completely foolproof and you may find a faulty ground cluster.
German cars + bad grounds are here to stay…
Don’t get rid of the car. Give it some time to work the kinks out. You’re not gonna find another car of this caliber that doesn’t have issues, really.
i was gonna say the same thing. the computer controls the spark. just cuz its a porsche doesn’t make the basics any different.
if it were me i would check through the easy things before going all the way out there. plugs, coils, etc are all simple to test. you don’t have to be a tuner to know this.
I would love to help ya, but theres that work thing i gotta do.
It happens DJ, no prob.