True Life: i'm a nerd

camping for the weekend at the GF’s cottage, tent camping in the backyard right on the water, brought the camera and laptop so i could take pics off my camera when it gets full.

plugged it in out by the bonfire pit, sitting in the swing chillin and i got net

wireless FTW!

camping with net > *

I send this thanks out to the unsecure networks all over america :slight_smile:

I think you need a new card for your camera.

lol i would do the same thing. my laptop goes everywhere with me.

eh i dont need a new camera, but i like seeing the pics ASAP on the comp so i can actually see them :stuck_out_tongue:

it will hold about 60 pics at 6MP so thats not too bad, didn’t really expect to take THAT many but ya never know :slight_smile:

if i had known there was wireless here i would have left the portable dvd player at home. was listening to cd’s on it last night

hahaha…thats what i call roughing it…