ups man showed up today with my new camera!

check it out…8 megapixel, 15x zoom, 3.5 in lcd screen. couldnt ask for much more. i have been screwing around with it and i am very pleased with it.
the lens all the way out…its kind of rediculous
and the massive screen on the back…and the top one also works allowing for waistlevel shooting. thought id share but ill get some pics up soon.

Woah, post pics :tup:

That is the shit, who makes it?

all that and you cannot tell us the manufacturer or model?

did my own research, nice camera again

haha sry for not posting that…i was too excited and needed to use it but ill post some pics later…im goin to get a part for my truck from cooter. but yeah it is pretty nice and im getting a bag for it too since i paid 800 for it im gonna make damn sure it doesnt get broken.

looks cool…

for an almost real camera.

what do u mean by almost real camera? just cuz its a digi? i like the fact that i dont have to develop pictures i can just put them on my comp and i can shoot video with it too.

nice purchase!
my UPS shipment last week:

damn thats also nice…u arent fuckin around u got the whole package

yeah, i had to… it came with a free 2 litre of diet cola.

actually, this isn’t my stuff, somebody i know just picked this stuff up. still, quite the setup.


u fucker lol but ill have pics up in a bit for u guys

Real camera = SLR

I wasnt putting it down though, looks about as good as it gets for a non-SLR.