True or Untrue?

eeehh…its not breaking news, he’s been a disaster for about 5 years now.

i posted that quite some time ago as well

fuck GWB i hope air force one crashes with him in it

Well he isnt a bad president really at all just the media shows you the things that people will watch and cause controversy so idk ppl have there opinions and they are allowed to but why is the president so bad is the question you should ask unless you just want opinions

“W” is for Winner

I voted for him … Hes better than Kerry’s ass

I just dont see how a guy that lied during the election woudl be a good president? :dunno:


x2…and what does this have to do with kerry??? hes not the pres.

Bush: All the crazy of Reagan without all that pesky “charisma”

We’d probably never have a president ever then. Or any other elected official.

bush sucks, kerry would of sucked. they only reason why bush rating was high his first term was because clintons 4yr bills passed during his term

He would of been if more dumbass people voted for him


I dunno I don’t see much bad about what he did. I do know with kerry as president we would have left Iraq, it would be even more of a mess than it is now, and we would be pussies about iran

ITS THE LIBERAL MEDIA’S FAULT!!!11one there really were WMD’s. Tom Delay isnt under indictment. Frist isnt really under investigation. Katrina wasnt really anything more than a drizzle. 25,000+ americans werent really killed or wounded in a war based on false pretenses. The UN and the rest of the world really didnt tell us to stay out of it. Fucking liberal media.

George Bush, No.1 Cause of Death for Americans

Can’t tell this guy is a liberal :blah: Do you believe everything the news tells you? You prolly watch CNN too and are one of those guys that thinks the military gets paid too much

what in the fuck is this weak ass bullshit about politics doing in mutlimedia???
