Trump Meme Thread (45th President of the USA)

I’ll take that bet, how much?

Anyone claiming they know what the outcome of the presidential election will be in a year when Trump actually won the Republican nomination (or basically has since he’s unopposed now), socialist Bernie is doing as well as he is, and Hillary may be under indictment by the time the election rolls around is being naive. And please, your polls today aren’t worth anything with all that can and will happen between now and 11/8/2016, especially considering how bruising the Republican nomination process has been compared to the kid gloves match between Hilldog and FeelTheBurn. Now that The Donald has switched to Crooked Hillary mode expect the dirt to finally start flying in Hillary’s direction.

When you combine the anti-establishment fervor with having Trump on one side and the establishment poster child on the other side this one won’t be easily predicted.

That said I sure as hell wouldn’t bet on Trump taking NY, short of a nuclear strike on NYC.

I think that the more Trump tries to hurt Hillary the more it gets her vote from people on the fence. A lot of people are thinking “I hate Hillary, but can I really let Trump win” and if he doesn’t chill out they’ll make the choice that doesn’t help him. Then again arguably it doesn’t matter.

I know the popular vote virtually means nothing but Trump is really getting a boost from Kaisch and Cruz backing out. I cant remember seeing a poll with his odds this much in his favor. I wouldnt put money on him winning new york but myself and all of my friends are making a point to not let hillary win…

a democratic grilled cheese sandwich would beat trump in NY.

Speaking of Math, anyone follow how badly Nate Silver was blown out this primary season? His predictions were horrible:

Also seems like there are no memes on this page. That must be fixed:

hahaha some good stuff

“I’m from the future, this actually happens”. LMAO

If Hillary wins this one, there is no hope for America and th only thing that will change it is the next revolution that will make the Civil war look like childs play. If she does not get indicted, it will just prove that there is an elite class in America that is untouchable. Prove out in the open for all to see, not just those of us who knew it all along. I really do believe that the spring can only be pulled back long enough before it snaps back. If that is not what happens, there is no such thing as the USA in the future.

I guess no matter what happens the world is fucked :tinfoilhat:

you know what happens if Hillary wins? Nothing… nothing happens, congress continue to do nothing, the senate does nothing… nothing happens

^ If that was true, Trump would not be possible after 8 years of Obama. If you havent seen the radical change in America over the last decade, you are living under a rock. Hillary will be more of that, but on ateroids. Eventually people will snap… or accept it = no USA


and, powerful people continue to work around the system in whichever way benefits them most.

there has been no radical change over the last decade. if you really want to think about this without blind rage you have to go back to the late 70s when the middle class stopped gaining wealth and the incomes of the wealthy started to skyrocket. There is a lot of reasons why, but if you think taking one of the elite class like Trump who shamelessly lived the live and did all possible to keep the middle class down by every ACTION he has ever taken will all of a sudden be the common man’s hero because he says another company doing the same games he does is wrong then you’re very mistaken.

Aaron, i will take a $50 bet on Trump, you get Hilary.

for new york state only… that’s the bet

He wins at the Internet today.

That fucking smile…

Even when he think’s he’s not being racist he’s kinda being racist. lol

I wouldn’t be too sure. The GOP may hate Trump but a lot hate the fact even more that there is a 3rd term of a Democrat which hasn’t happened since the 80s. Also, there is a lot of people who don’t want another Clinton in the White House. This race could be Bush/Kerry all over again.

Wow some PR person just got a nice bonus.