More politics talk

well what do you expect when there’s nobody good to vote for? ppl just wont vote

Good point but this has been a problem for many elections.

Democrats always win NY. A small percentage here and there not voting will not effect the outcome in the state. Other states are much different though.

Yea, I was referring to voting in general. It would be a miracle if Obama didn’t take NY given the current conditions and being African-American.

yea, personally i think regardless of who gets more votes, they’ll put mccain in office bc (not to sound racist or anything) but America as a whole is too racist and just isnt ready for a black president…then since mccain is an old fart, he’ll die like a week later then we’re all screwed with palin then hopefully her idiocy will allow us to impeach her…shoulda just let hillary take the win

America is ready for a black president. But the first black president probably wont be a Muslim with past ties to domestic terrorists. They went from 0-100mph in the first try.

$20 says McCain wins overall.

EDIT: Ninja topic split! I posted this in the other thread.

I can’t predict the future but the polls are in favor:

I’ll take that $20 bet by the way. :slight_smile:

he aint black!

well if obama does make it into office, well, maybe i shouldnt say it on here bc the Feds will be at my doorstep within 3 mins but i think you guys might be able to predict what some crazy racist will try to do…

Yeah we should really be voting for VP’s here, McCain gets elected he’ll die within a year, Obama gets elected and that nagger’s gettin capped.

you’re right, he’s brown…

benny, hide the drugs, the feds are coming for you

yeah… hilarious. You do know that his mom is white, right?

lol :rofl

I think this is still on topic but seriously, I watched a video of Howard Stern going up to everyday people on the street and talking to them about each candidates policy. But he would use McCains policy and tell the people he was talking about Obama. Almost none of them caught on. People are voting blind for many reasons and it just makes me sick that no matter what side you are voting for that so many people are uninformed and think they are. :headbang

+1 I personally don’t vote. Hasn’t anyone else figured out that it doesn’t matter anyway. When was the last time a president was elected on the popular vote?

I’ll take the $20 bet for Obama. hmmm maybe instead of voting they should have this kinda thing at like OTB or something?


Thats awesome, but shouldnt we be able to remove her wardrobe too!

check on it everyday it will be updated so you can do more stuff