More politics talk

“baby names… Carport, Cashew, Rake, Purple” :lol

McCain is too damn old. He’s 72 now and when he’s up for reelection (if he wins) he’ll be 76. Do we really want a senior citizen running the country?

Take a look at your grandparents and think about the ‘old people things’ they do and what would happen if they were in charge of something like the entire country. Forgetting stuff, poor judgement, falling, health issues, etc are things to consider. Yeah, we’d probably be fucked.

McCain is also in favor of war. That kind of surprises me because I would think he’d oppose war due to being a POW. Ive been against this stupid Iraq war from the beginning. Ive got a cousin over there in that shithole and I want to see him come home.

McCain is definately not getting my vote.

Age used to be something to be respected. Wisdom, experience, etc. ::slight_smile:

Saying McCain is “for war” is generalizing his view on the IRAQ war, which he is not entirely “for” either.

True but 72 is near the age of death. At least two terms isn’t probably possible? Assuming a miracle happens and he wins.

Didn’t McCain say something about 100 years in Iraq?

Wow. Great way to stereotype people based on age. I find that rediculous. It does NOT mean he is near death, if anything it means he has a wealth of wisdom and experience. I actually find it offensive that you guys would stereotype him based on age. Here is an example. My grandfather is 81 years old. He has had 4 heart attacks, fought in WW2 as a Marine in Okanawa and raised a family of 15 when his mother died. He had quadruple bipass surgery last year and he is still out cutting the grass, 2 acres of it, with a pushmower and he is still keeping the family together. So according to you guys he is not fit to lead and he is close to death. STFU with your pessimism and stop searching for reasons that are subjective in order to justify your choice in candidate.

And when it comes to war, guess what? Obama isn’t going to stop it. He’s going to move the Marines that are in Irag, into Afganistan and then send two more battalions over as well. So I dont know why the war is even a big deciding factor in this race. Either one is not putting an “end” to it.

We don’t say it. The smart people called doctors/staticians say it:

How much does that number increase for wealthy white males?

It’s probably negated by the cancer.


That was a snappy comeback eh? :slight_smile:

To be fair, my original post was directed towards the 81 year old Grandfather comment.

1St of all, PJB, puuuhhleease

100 years, try 10,000? Slightly misrepresented the way you say it, but thats to be expected. He was CLEARLY making the point that he would do what it took to bring stabalization…comparing it to Korea and Japan etc. Didn’y say he wanted to battle that long either.

Lastly, McCain has said he is only running for one term.

He are out of money a few years shy of 100.

He probably won’t make 1 term if a miracle happens and he wins.

awesome! :crackup

I wasnt the one mentioning the length of the war. I just said he’s too old and he likes war.

And thats why the paragraph break… I was referring to your comments with a single word. Thats all, no harm, no foul.