Ok my 04 400 ex is smoking out the exhaust and it smells like oil. So I’m pretty sure it is due for a new set of rings. MY question is what are your thoughts?Is it going to need bored or can I get away with just sticking a new set of rings in it.
depends on what the cylinder looks like
I think I’m tearing it down on Sunday or Monday so I’ll let you in on some more info then.
You should be alright i just did mine not to long ago i put a new wiseco piston in it i just bought a tool to hone out the cylinder thats all
go big and bore it out no matter what
im with winslow…i’d bored it out to…THE BIGGER THE BETTER…LOL
ya month old posts. where the person never updated… yayyyyyy:finger2:
i’m at school and stuff so I havent had the time to tear the motor off it yet my bad. All I’ve done was tear all the plastic off of it and its pretty much ready to just yank the motor off.See with big bore kits the quad wont be reliable and need alot more attention I’m looking more for the perfect medium i want quick,reliable,responsive,agressive.I’m not racing it or anything I just want an all around good quad out of it. I noticed that I need an inner tie rod,clutch kit,chain and sproket kit,and a carrier bearing so far.Internals are what I still need to check out its going to be what I do over winter so when it clears up I’ll have something to do so I’m not all that worried about it all that much I’m just asking advice as of now on what should be done with it and thoughts on it. With the rings bad I can still beat honda 450s with it. And thats only with few upgrades so its plenty fast for me I mainly only hit jumps half the time anyways.
only bad thing about boring quads and bikes is you gotta get it renicosealed and everything when i had my 85 it was bored and stroke and it went threw rings alot and locked it up at qualifyers for loretta’s