Trying to find a shop that was in Mississauga...or a shop that has swapped a 2JZ-GTE

oh yeah ma bad it was magnus lol lol fucking thing was a monster yo. sooooooo much power it jumped off the line !!!

then again… i saw a street sweeper last month at cayuga… stock looking tegi with b series and a turbo… ran 10.2 against a gtr. with a brakelight flashing… not as crazy as that talon but with street tire i think that tegi is amazing. also a few civic running 10’s… kids now a day got some sick setups… we are suppose to laugh at honda s doing 14 and 15 :smiley: but not anymore lol lol lol

yea there are alot of badass hondas these days, but RWD>FWD.

splitfire does good work, it depends of you know what your talking about and he knows you do, then you dont get taken adavange of.

He did a tran swap and rebuildin in a k20 civic i build for my buddy in legit 40 mins.

They know whutup

They have a 780whp sr20d 240 coupe drag car. Serious shit.