tup muscle relaxers. flexeril

I’m not normally one to take prescription drugs. However I’ve been dealing with this back spasm thing for 5 weeks now and it hasn’t been feeling any better.

Tuesday I went to the doctor and they gave me a prescription for flexeril, a muscle relaxer. Took it for the first time around 3:30, and WOW. The muscle in my back has been rock hard since I got hurt, apparently that’s preventing it from healing. Took this shit today and it softened right up!

the past 5 weeks i’ve been worried that this was it, and my back wasn’t going to heal. Now I’m feeling much better about it, and hoping this is the start to recovery

makes me feel kinda weeded though, like slight buzz. the directions even said it gives you cotton mouth lol


awesome i was on this stuff as well once … just dont get addicted to it tho.

now rep me bro!!

yeah cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) is pretty decent. When you take it with some form of hydrocodone (Lortab, vicodin) it makes you feel like God for about 20 mins then you pass the fuck out.

Taky like 4 10mg hydros and 3 10mg flexeril and you’re set for the best 16 hrs of sleep you’ll ever have lol. Just be careful with them. I was on them for 5 months after my shoulder surgery. I was takin up to 6 at a crack.

Edit: yeah I gotta go to my dr and get some. I’ve bveen having these excruciating back spasms. The muscle in my back feel like concrete they are so hard. Its like having a charlie horse between my shoulder blades and lower back.

would this be something good to OD on?


and welcome to an opiate addiction…

Uggh, I wish doctors would just stop writing “hydros”. It is so widely abused yet they keep writing it and writing it.

not really and it isn’t addictive.

I’m just gonna go ahead and ignore all of that. probably best for all of us.

I had my shoulder reconstructed. I didnt abuse them. I was in so much pain I would puke and pass out. I don’t use the word excruciating often, but this was beyond even that. The first week I was home after the surgery I went through a bottle of 90 hydros. I agree that they are over perscribed, but when you need them to control severe pain they are great. I only took them as needed, but something about having 7 screws holding your arm in the socket is unbearably painful, not to mention the nerve damage that comes with it. My shoulder was falling out of the socket probably like 3-4 times a day. I would bend over to tie my shoes and my arm would dislocate, which in turn pinches a lot of nerves. After a few weeks when the pain wasnt as severe, I only went through like maybe 60 hydros over the time frame of about 3-4 months. I would take them before bed so I could sleep, that was about it becuase I could deal with the pain.

FYI these caused me to be tested positive for a barbituate on a drugtest.

just a heads up in case you may have to take one anytime soon…

eh I’m on medications for ADHD and Tourettes and they show up as Amphetamine, THC, and Meth lol. Every time I took a drug test for work (random drug testing, aka, like once a month), I had to get a letter from my DR saying they are just false readings from my meds.

but you were still smoking right? That is a great excuse!

The way you posted, you made it sound recreational.

I do agree there is a valid reason for using hydrocodone and a lot of people do not abuse them. However, some doctors have this feeling that a CIII isn’t as powerful as a CII and don’t consider it an opioid because they can write refills on it.

EDIT: and if you’re taking 10/500’s you’re doing irreversable damage to your liver with all the acetaminophen in those pills (500mg). The daily maximum is 4g (4000mg) a day. Anything over 8 pills are bad, even worse if you take Tylenol over the counter.

lol I didn’t smoke that much so it wasnt a problem. I always drink a shitload of water so it was out of my system fast. I haven’t smoked since like late sept.

Yeah. I was taking a LOT but again, I was in an unbearable amount of pain. I have a pretty high pain tollerance but when it crosses that thresh hold of “I can’t fucking take this anymore” it was nice to have something to ease it for a while, and allow me to sleep. After the surgery they sent me home on a very high dose of demeral and valium. OMG OMG OMG it was amazing!!! lol. srysly. Could have dug my nuts out wioth a rusty spork and I wouldnt have felt a thing.

Meh, there are nicer drugs, recreationally, but Flexeril is pretty bad ass. I’d like to visit rehab someday.

JEG who the fuck is your Dr.?

I like pain meds. Flexeril just ruins my day. It just sleep and sleep and sleep.

haha nice spin

CAccord. I wish you would think more in terms of fixing the root cause then covering it up with shit ass meds. The problem is still there, you just dont feel it because you are doped up. That is not a good way to handle the issue and possibly your FUTURE health.

Take the meds for fun when you are going out. Fix the problem before you feel and walk like you are 20 years older.

You need therapy and a doctor that doesnt have his head up his ass.