Turbo Blue...

is still like 5.30 a gallon. I just filled the race nova and got 2 5 gallon jugs ready. Shit, if pump gas still keeps going up, i’ll just run turbo blue in everything!!!

savor the smell :rofl:

turbo blue leaded?

seriously. 94 octane is what, 310/3.15 a gallon. 110 is 4.25 a gallon. ill spend the extra 15 bucks per fill up.

I :love: the smell

sometimes at night…

I sprinkle some turbo blue all over me… and make rev noises…


It’s true. I’ve seen it. :eek4: I was on rt 8 late one night and he tried racing me on foot, naked. Sad thing is he won, but I was in the big rig.

It is a sweet smell. I used to keep this little can of Rocket 114 that I used in the FF around just to smell it.


Dirty, I didn’t recongnize you with your long blonde hair and lipstick… it musta been a “THURSDAY” for you :wink: