interst in race gas...

working w/ a guy who is willing to deliver me race gas weekly if need be. Can deliver up to 500 gallons at once. this is the 76 gas, which they sold out the race gas division, and this new place is the one distributing it. I actually met the guy at wow.

so, i can get 100 to 118 ocatne, tons of mixes inbetween. I would liek to buy it, and sell it for no profit. the catch is we would have to sell x amount of gas, which i think i could do. as the gas would be used by the racers. be nice to need gas at 12 am, when shit is all closed up, and be able to fill up my tank.

so anyone else interested? i may start out w/ 120 gallons at 1st, see how long it takes to sell (i say no more than a week, 2 max), and go from there

oh yeah, price will be liek 4-4.50 a gallon, it all depends on how much i buy. even at 4.50 for 118, thats cheap. i imagine the 100 is cheaper, liek 4 a gallon. this is the little shit i need to smooth out.

if u can get unleaded & u need a money backer let me know!(justkeeptuusyout)!:smiley:

I’ll buy from ya, when I get my nitrous filled I’ll fill up on race fuel


I’d buy off you

if it sets in ur car to long,it goes bad!!:kekegay:

uh o :smiley:

there’s no need for me to reply, but i as well would use it.

cant you get 120 at the airport or something for 2.50 a gallon

av gas is a total different thing than race gas. specific gravity and other characteristics are way different.

correct,is this gas ur getting unleaded!

Could you get a 55 gallon drum? Instead of making 4 trips a month to your shop to get race fuel and with gas prices outrageous one trip would be better at least on my part.


thats the way it comes!

good so how much for a 55 gallon of unleaded


highest unleadd is 110 i believe. comes in 55 gallon drums, but im sure i got to give drums back. im not sure i i will buy any, as im doing this more or less to have race gas, not for profit. so i got to front a lot of $ i dont have to get rolling… still need to sit down w/ the distributor and see what it will cost. looking aroun 235-350 per drum, pending how much i get. i think price i sbased on how much i can move, not how much i buy at 1 time— so like if i can move x amount of barrells a month, it is cheaper.

what is the motor octane for the unleaded 110?

I’d be interested in 2 drums of 76’s Prostock 118.

Have cash…where’s it delivered to?

shit, i stopped talking to the guy. basically, it is the same gas that is carrying at their shop. they are selling it at 5.50 a gallon, which is steep, especially since 1/4 mile down the road is a place at 475 a gallon, and their cost on the gas should be around 4.25 per gallon.

Im a believer that race gas and nitrous are 2 itmes you sale not to make money on. It is sold more or less as a convience to get people in the shop. b/c there is no way u can really make $ on either item-- it is not worth it. so sale the shit at cost.

I’ll give the guy a ring again, and c wtf is up. may ahve another race gas hook up. shouldk be buying here soon, as the old man should be ready w/in a month or so. alot fo cars are almost ready at teh garage.