Turbo guys

I want to turbo my car, but I do not know all that much about them. I know the basic principals one how they work, but that is about it. Can anyone explain what the different “trims” are on the turbine wheels? Any idea what I should use for my motor (a lot of turbo quad 4s run a T3/T4 hybrid turbo) what is the difference between a waste gate and a BOV? Just about any other info you guys could give me on turbos and such would be great. Thanks


Google is your friend

sell the grand am and buy a turbo car is all i can think of

try the grand am boards

Originally posted by turbotalon91
sell the grand am and buy a turbo car is all i can think of

that is a true statement boost will kill that motor unless u dig into
it serious

You can put a t3/t4… but the most boost you can turn it up to is like 6 unless your planning on chaning the internals… so ask yourself… how far you want to go…

Originally posted by turbotalon91
sell the grand am and buy a turbo car is all i can think of

running the svo turbo is a good one. both motors are the same size. youll be able to spool up a few psi on a quad 4 but to really spool up youll need to change the internals. unless you dont care for the motor you currently have. i think automatics have wastegates adn manuals have BOV

not sure on that last part

sell the ga and buy a gtp,still pontiac and you,ll spend lees than a turbo kit and internal work;)


Originally posted by Quik
i think automatics have wastegates and manuals have BOV



Actually, a wastegate lets a certain amount of exhaust gasses bypass the turbo to keep it spinning at a certain RPM, in turn, keeping it boosting at a certain PSI.

A BOV gives all that pressurized air somewhere to go when you are spooled up and all of the sudden your throttle body closes… thats turbo’s still trying to pump air into the engine and it doesnt have anywhere to go. Think of it as a pressure relief valve for when you let off the gas…

The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Nobody is gonna post the entire history of turbocharging in this thread, get off your ass and do a google search. There are a million sites out there that explain this stuff.

Originally posted by Darkstar


Actually, a wastegate lets a certain amount of exhaust gasses bypass the turbo to keep it spinning at a certain RPM, in turn, keeping it boosting at a certain PSI.

A BOV gives all that pressurized air somewhere to go when you are spooled up and all of the sudden your throttle body closes… thats turbo’s still trying to pump air into the engine and it doesnt have anywhere to go. Think of it as a pressure relief valve for when you let off the gas…

The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Nobody is gonna post the entire history of turbocharging in this thread, get off your ass and do a google search. There are a million sites out there that explain this stuff.
thanks mke for clearing up the wastegate and bov.

Originally posted by ECOvenom
You can put a t3/t4… but the most boost you can turn it up to is like 6 unless your planning on chaning the internals… so ask yourself… how far you want to go…

well the GM charger gives you 6psi and you can get an upgraded pulley that gives you 8-9psi. And ive heard some jbody guys run around 10 daily.

But this is all just a thought, maybe when i get out of school ill just buy something else. but i have been toying with the idea of boosting the GA, since theres 1 that i know of that is boosted and another that is in the prosess or doing it (this is on the quad) and then theirs probably 4 3x00 boosted grand ams that i know of. So all in all it would be something different and i wouldnt be getting on a “bandwagon”.

And i know i can do a search i was just looking for some people to give me some pointers and so on.

go for it,theres not any around!!!

Originally posted by 97GrandAMLD9
well the GM charger gives you 6psi and you can get an upgraded pulley that gives you 8-9psi. And ive heard some jbody guys run around 10 daily.

turbochargers dont have pulleys. Superchargers have pulleys. Superchargers are belt driven. Therefore, they must have a pulley. the “upgraded” pulley, is actually just a smaller pulley. The smaller it is, the faster it turns whatever’s hooked onto the other end of it, in this case, a s/c. Faster spinning s/c = more boost.

A turbo is spun by exhaust gasses. Its not directly connected to the engine, thus the need for a wastegate. If there were no wastegate to let some of the exhaust gasses bypass the turbo itself, it would just keep spinning faster and faster and make more and more boost.

Hope this helps.

So all in all it would be something different . [/B][/QUOTE]

:smiley: sounds like a good enough reaon to do it!!

if you do decide let me know ill give u a hand iwith the install

Ya I would go with a supercharger for that car… go to gm… they are selling the supercharger for the 2.4… I think $2200 installed and a year warranty?? not sure on that


lmao at this thread… i don’t want to be a jerk… but you need to research, a lot.


:stupid: I could type a book on the subject. If you have a specific apple to apple question I’d be glad to help. This queation is way to open ended .PS I say go 4 it, it’s a lot easyer than you think;)