Turbo Kits

Think you’re in the wrong thread. No one has said anything bad about KA-T’s. Just knocking the fact the Greddy kit is awful. Likewise, the only mention of an SR20DET swap was on the basis of cost comparison. A KA-T is attractive because it’s cheaper and provides more gain than an SR20DET. Yet, the Greddy kit completely undermines the cost advantage by costing upwards of over $4,600 Canadian (Have you seen our currency recently? haha 20 cents under the USD in addition to duties/taxes) to get into the country, not including additional parts required for it resulting in the same performance as an SR20DET. So by going the Greddy kit, you might aswell go SR20DET because it’d be simpler.

By the way, I run a KA24DE-T. Well, it’s in pieces in my garage. A KA-T build requires more knowledge and effort than an SR20DET swap, so it’s not wise to recommend it to someone who doesn’t have any mechanical experience.