turbo tek tuning?????

anyone ever hear of them? some guy named Ray apparently tunes cars.

feedback? any good?

Yea I know plenty of cars tuned by him. Mostly a subaru guy but he tunes evo’s as well. Only heard good things about him and he’s local. Was thinking about having him look at my X and tweak the tune.

Ray is the man, he tuned my lgt last year. he’s the go-to guy for Subaru and evos

I HIGHLY recommend him

my brother has his WRX tuned by him and no complaints from him. think i ,ay give him a call. thanks!

Ray is a good guy. He has good prices on parts too. He ships fast too.

His website sucks. Either call or email him

He is tuning my wrx too

ray lives just up the road from me. very good guy. knows his tuning stuff too.
and 98% of the time his parts are next day shipping

I’ve seen a gunmetal GT-R around with a Turbotek sticker. Middle eastern looking fellow driving it.

That’s ray and his car.

shoot i guess i better let my hair grow so i can go back to being Puerto Rican again.

I thought you were mexican?