Turbo Trix 7th Annual Evo vs. STI/WRX Shootout,,, the winner is your truly :)

soooo yea, i won my class!!! woohooo so excited!

made qaulifying, car went 11.93@114.6
2nd qualifying went 11.99@114.3
1st round was me against some sti

i went
12.139 @114.38 my Rt was .119. Vs his RT was .522. 13.255@105.37

2nd round i went against like an 06-07wrx (white) with an upgraded turbo of some sort

i went
12.067@114.30. RT was .419 Vs his RT was .799. he went 12.231@114.34

3rd round i went up against an VIII with a green on meth

i went
12.014@114.70. RT was .273 Vs his RT was .652. he went 12.607@122.01

4th round i went up against a BBK full car
i went 11.921@114.64(personal best pump gas run) RT was .505 vs his RT was .687. he went 12.285@120.42

i was tree-ing the SHIT outta these mothafuckas:lol

my car is a full weight IX RS with no spare and 1/2 tank of gas
exedy twindisk HD
ebay o2 housing
buschur Race FMIC
Buschur full v-band TBE
inlet pipe
hallmann mbc
Tial Q bov
Tuned by JR @ 24psi pump gas

i usually race at alocal track cutting 1.66-1.69 60ft’s consitant but for some reason it just would not want to 60ft better than a 1.73… maybe i was scared i didn’t want to break something since i drove 3hrs from albany NY? yeaaa that was it, also i wasn’t bangin my 1-2 shift as hard as usual due to my long trip. i usually do 4.80-4.85 330ft’s but today was 4.95-5.15. oh well i had a great time and WON!

i also got the hang of the pro-tree pretty fast too.( i usually just do Test and tune and leave at my leisure LOL)

but yea, i won a massive trophpy, plaque, some other bullshit but most importantly a SparkTech Non-CDI COP ignition system ( cost 650$) i dunno if i’m gonna keep it or if i should sell it.

nice dood. win’s a win

Good work Peter

good shit man .

PETER THE CHEATER. (no courtesy stage!)

naah wish i could have went this year.


oh forgot to add lol, i had an interview with NYCE1’s about my car and me lol. can’t wait to see it haha

Solid! Strong work!

Good work Pete!

Nice job man, any vids?

Congrats man.

Good job. What was your class?

Do werk petard !!!

Congrats !

stock appearing evo vs stock appearing wrx/sti i believe.

guuud werk petur

Good job pete.

heads up, stock appearing.

last year most of camp subaru didnt make it past the first round. i cant imagine they did much better this year.

Evo > WRX/STi

good work, Rubin last year and Peter this year. you won cooler stuff then rubin did lol

congrats, must feel good ripping on the highly modified junkers

i was stuck with the dumper subarus till the 2nd rd.

but there were two NASTY hta86 STI’s… one 06 on the hoosier drags running 10.2-10.00’s @142! there was a blue hta86 wrx with sti swap running 10.30’s @135.

the 06 sti won the event overall lol.

oh it was great hahaha