Turbo Trix 7th Annual Evo vs. STI/WRX Shootout,,, the winner is your truly :)

Install the SparkTech, car runs better all-around with it vs. stock.

Congrats dude. Glad to see the clutch isnt thrashed

thanks. and yea, that stm clutch fork stop fucked it up. i gotta modify it a little bit so it works a bit better and has a little more adjustment in it.

im not going to lie, I am impressed by you Pete but your still a Chode.

thankyou. i like you and enjoy aggrivating you still. hahahaha :slight_smile:

wowowowow last year they completely sucked.

congrads on the win

Great man!!! congrats!

I cant wait to see your mug on youtube with that interview! lol


nice work bro, congrats on the WIN!!!

im gonna shove that trophy up your ass, no lube

thanks friends, heres my 1st qualifying pass, i forgot that it was a pro-tree on qualifying so i sleeped on the light lol