turbos drawing from interior of car

This is just a theory question.

say you had a turbo charged vehicle in the 500-600hp range running 20psi+ and had the turbos draw from the interior of the car. assuming the windows were up and the car had a average air seal. How hazardous would the air pressure change be under acceleration?

interesting question… but what would the point be?

I think that depends on CFM…

lol. i’m actually really curious as well.
i know at 20 psi pressurized, the stock air intake hose on my a4 would expand like a balloon (don’t worry, i upgraded it).

would it suck boogers out of your nose and make your eyes pop out?!?!?!

technically, cars arent sealed at all.

in for a legit answer, given it was sealed up.

I think the door glass would implode before anything happened with the turbo/engine.

The car would take off!

x/0 ?

where’s newman, he’ll know the answer

Most / all vehicles have air vents so when you shut the doors the glass doesn’t blow out.

Try shutting a hatch on a C5, the volume of air moved is more then the vent can handle 90% and the hatch won’t always seal.

Not sure on how much air it would draw in but it could definitely be like a vacuum. The noise would probably make you deaf.

you would die, your lungs would collapse.

Could you hook up a sinus attachment to suck out the grungy gunk when ya get a sinus infection? The netipot has no boost-a-bility. LOL

I think it would really suck…

your blood would probably boil after a while… and people would wonder how you got the bends on dry land

negatory, as the pressure outside your body and inside your lungs would be equal

i love the netipot. But every time i use it i feel like there should be a gold fish pond in my basin

I think I’d be more worried about the sound levels than the pressure levels. Most venting in a car is one-way though, it lets pressure out but won’t let unfiltered air back in except through the hvac system. Which would probably always feel like it’s blowing on you…

Don’t the MKV VW GTi’s do this? Or something like it? I rember hearing something that they run a hose into the cabin (either from the turbo inlet hose or the diverter valve?), to produce “cool sounds”?. This is done like this from the factory, not some siq mod all the kids are doing.

The new Mustang GT’s do that.

Try it in the camsho.Maybe you will pass out and crash.(inb4icrash40954054cars)

No. You’re not this stupid.