turbz - rebuild aftermath

just got done rebuilding this hx35, rebuilt it last year with ALL new parts , Everything functioned fine except it started puffing pretty decently by the end of the season, wheels , shaft and bearings were all good, the thrust collar and plate were pretty smoked. what coulda caused this? overtightening the comp wheel maybe? Just looking for any indications so I could possible prevent it happening again. Thanks

negative. loss of adequate oil pressure during thrust load.

hm interesting. thank you sir. what would be the best thing to do? get an electric oil pressure sending unit and go from there?

??? sending unit isn’t going to do you any good at this point unless you feel like bolting up a shit turbo and checking then. If the pressure is low/poor, you’ll cook a new CHRA in minutes. Having improper thrust clearance could be a culprit, but you’d snap the turbine shaft off before tightening too far on this turbocharger. You need to measure the stretch of the turbine shaft similar to a rod bolt. Typical stretch of .003" is within spec, just checked my books here.

When you rebuilt this turbocharger did you inspect and measure all the components to proper dimensionality? I’d be interested to see what these “ok” journal bearings and turbine shaft look like as well.

it just came to me what caused the inefficient oil pressure, I remember chasing an oil send leak for a while and not nailing it right away because it was harder to find, would only really leak under load/spool. also remember , you do this shit everyday, for me things become foggy when my car sits untouched for months (winter). Today just replaced all AN send and return lines. No more leaks and hopefully the culprit of the problem. my camara sucks

I gave it the ol’ once over :lol