Turbo diagnostic help

Turbo diagnostic
how does this look? looks not good to me.
below is how it was I believe. (next to it is one of my Vortech V5’s)
I hope this is not too small. I only want to push 8 psi or now.
I am worried about the oil residue on the inside of the cold side.

I do not want to waste time if it is bad.

You want to know why there is oil in the compressor? And wether or not you should rebuild it…(which is cheap BTW)?

Or you want to know if its the right turbo for you app?

I want to know why there is oil in the compressor. All the fins are perfect. thanks for the help.

ok turbo is on the right, diagnostic complete

I realy have no idea what you are telling me. The one on the right is my V5 supercharger.


no… the one the right is my vortech V5 supercharger. I don’t deal with turbos that often. I am just looking for some help.

A seal… a seal is fucked up. hence the oil leaking into the compressor section

any ideas where to get this rebuilt? new seal?

The root cause of the oil leak could be a few things.

  1. Boost leaks, causing the compressor to over work and eventually creating a vaccuum in the compressor housing sucking oil past the seal.

  2. A restricted oil drain. How does the turbine side look as well?

  3. Does this turbo have any shaft play indicating bearing wear?

Odds are being an old (looks like off an audi or porsche) KKK that it probably had boost leaks somewhere in the system or also if off an old air cooled porsche possible that the oil was old, hot and coking. Causing the seal to just plain wear.

Either way if you need it rebuilt stop in at D+W diesel, there is one in rochester and they can rebuild it for you as they are KKK/switzer dealers.

the bearings are probably no good causing the seals to get loose and leak oil and it looks like the fins may have contacted the compressor housing slightly, id also think about either replacing the compressor wheel during the rebuild or getting another turbo, the housing should be fine. Does it have any in-out shaft play or just side to side play? My guess is that its got more shaft play than peter north

Thanks for the local shop name in Rochester. You are right it is off an old Porsche and is going back on my Porsche.

It only has very little in/out shaft play. No side to side.

I am taking it to D&W Diesel tomorrow to have them look at it. If it needs to be rebuilt I will have them do it. Thanks for the feed back. I will post what they tell me.