no he doesnt’ owe me, my friend yes.
im game. where would you like to play as you wont invite me to your place and you have too much “pride” or whatever you wanna call it to come here.
Easy Riches and The Greatful dead machine FTW.
The time before that, i cleaned out my account to 5 bucks, and was about to leave when i said, oooo why not one more… heres what the one more got me…
i wont invite you to my house because your a scumbag, which is the same reason why i wont go to your house. the main reason i said that was so you’d admit to having money and continue to prove your a scumbag for not paying matt back with it
im the scumbag? right… so im the one that slept with all of my wifes best friends and never told her about it… still to this day… yup… that qualifies…ORRRRR fucking other friends “interests” but i wont delve into that subject quite yet.
yah but apparently i dont know what im talking about? :retardclap
thats not being a scumbag, thats a pimp
hahahahaha…good one sir. if only going back to when i was 18 was hurtfull to me.
you dont.
would it hurt if jenn “magically” found out?
and 18?.. hardly. i think you were older than 18 when u were boning anna… and well… all the girls when you were away at WNEC and of course… jackie…you know… that night we all spent at her house… and she made chiplock sleep on the couch when he clearly wanted her…yep… you were 18 then… and that doesnt make you a scumbag at all… :thumbup ok “bud”
not as much as you would sweetie dont threaten me on a car forum
So they why did i call that you owe people many and won’t pay them?
Yay, another Shift thread turned into travis vs world thread. FUCKING GREAT!
There is no higher honor for a thread.
no threats… none at all. just asking what would happen if she did find out… theoretically… you know… i mean… little birdies do “chirp”
240, fuck turning stone, give me that welder!!!
i’m sure they do and thats comepletely up to you. birdies also get rocks thrown at them when they are in trees too…you know…i mean like people like to go after them
oh christ here we go again