Turning stone trip? Turned to more Anti-Travis.

dont be hat guy that is truly a scumbag move :Idiots

This thread has reached silver status

well i’d say you know where i live but…i wont be at my appt too much longer. or you can come over and speak to both of us if you want.

drop it we need more come on :wink:

What about when some low life owes your friend money? :shifty

jesse ya call my boss yet for your car???:hijacked

yo, i dont need to do anything wrong and i get 15 page threads insulting me on here… he jumps in my shit and i dont have the right to fire back… fuck that.
EVERYTHING is fucking fair game… people dont want shit brought up… dont step on my fuckin toes. i dont care. i just dont fuckin care. my comments on here arent going to change his opinion of me. and he has lost any bit of respect i had left for him. all’s fair in war son. i prefer to drop nukes instead of throwing rocks.

shift has turned into a high school with this drama lol

gold status

when wasnt it fuckin highschool? seriously.

all’s fair in war son…remember you said that

ehh good point


omfg is that a threat? or maybe a promise? or wait… no… i just sharted.


its nothing, it’s me repeating what you said thats all

Travis and 1940s America are one in the same. Don’t throw rocks, drop nukes

john… does looking at my hairy nipples turn you on… seriously. you post that picture way to much… i think you do it so you can jack off to beccas “backne” covered ass.

You have a problem like that with a man you say it to his face you don’t bring the people they love into it or are you not man enough to bring it up face to face like when you had an issue with my dwai

he wants to bring shit up in public, then ill do the same… ive had enough bullshit from people on here… if you’re going to call me a scumbag then be prepared on getting your scumbaggishness thrown in the ring as well… i dont care if its about your mom/dad/gf/wife/sister or whatever… dont try and play tough guy on a fuckin car forum as he already said… you have an issue… be a fuckin man and tell me face to face… im just replying in the manner of which he used to so “elaborately” be a douche.