Ok. So I might have just picked up a TV. An older HD ready model I know, but it will do what I need for now. Now for the question part.
Take a look at the pic and give me some Ideas as to why it’s like that. A friend had a similar problem with his not too long ago and said that the TV needs a new convergence module? Any ideas and input will be greatly appreciated.
I had to lookup what HD ready meant… I guess it means that the resolution is really low but it can still output HD but with very poor quality since it has to convert 720p -> 480 or something like that…
anyway… the convergence chip very well might be the problem here because it does look like the 3 colors of the LCD are not even close to on top of each other. In your case there might be several more problems.
here is a more classic example of bad convergence:

Out of curiosity what makes you think that there may be several more problems?
how horrible the image looks in focus, clarity, accuracy… but some of this might just be the picture that you took. if you look at the guy’s coat you’ll see that it’s not just the placement of RGB that’s off, it’s happening in a blur like motion.
What kind of tv are we dealing with?
It’s a Samsung, model is HC-P4752W.
I did some digging a few hours ago, and found this…
“The convergence amps most likely failed. That unit takes two STK392-010 amps and the most likely cause for their failure are one or more of the 3.9 ohm 1/2watt resistors out in front of the Ic’s which have opened or changed in value. There are several of them too, Rz142,143,146,147,144,145,123,124,125,126,127 and 128 and do check them all…”
That was for a different model but from what I can make out the model I picked up uses the same setup, as far as internal parts are concerned.
I really hope you got this for free… have you seen the reviews on amazon…
some say it their worst purchase ever, others that it almost burnt their house down.
Ya I saw those. Honestly If I cant get it going i plan on parting it out. Though Im sure I wont have a problem with the repairs. Like I sad though. If I do It’s getting ripped apart.
LOL. I just hope It doesnt burn my house down. That would be the only thing that would piss me off. i did actually pay for it but for the price it might as well have been free.