TV Repair.

Does anyone on here know anythging about older 54in tvs.

My cousin gave me his old 54 in sony tv and the blue is off and it dosent seem to bright.

I dont tryed to adjust the lens but couldnt seem to get it right.

Let me know if you can help me out.


hmmm… not sure… I do know not to mess around with TV’s though, you could end up killing yourself. Be careful

you try seeing if it’s even serviceable? I know some arent… try contacting a tech or something and see what they say :tup: or do a google search for that model and see if anyone else has run into it

I am doing a search now. me and my father adjusted the lenses and got it to look better than it did but something is still off.

Older CRT rear-projection TV?

something like that.

it is a sony 54" videoscope multichannel TV sound KPR-4620. thats what it said on the tv.

LOL. Thanx.

But by the time i learn how to do fix it i would spend less time and aggravation paying someone else to fix it. or buy a new one when i can afford it.

we had a guy come to my rents house many years ago and realighn the 3 projector things in there looked way better when he was done also cleaned the back of the screen. Theres a ton of guys in the phone book.

The 3 projector guns on older ones go. replacing them is almost as much as a new tv

Yea the guns are going… not worth the repair imho

yeah thats what i was figuring but i am just thinking maybe it is something eletrical. i dought it but would just like to have it looked at just incase it something that is cheaper than a new tv.

well… you can get it looked at but it will probably cost you close to 100 and they will then tell you you need a new blue CRT… and that they would recomend replacing all CRT’s at once because then the blue will be brighter than the other ones… if they can even find them.