TVR now to be owned be Americans

Full article here.

TVR’s tortuous ownership saga continues. It emerged today, at a low-key press conference held at a hotel on London’s Mayfair, that current company owner Nikolai Smolenski is planning to sell the sports car firm to two Florida-based business partners, Adam Burdette and Jean Michel Santacreu.

The Americans’ first contact with TVR, made 18 months ago, was as potential importers of the cars to the USA. The pair, who live in Orlando, will rapidly take over control of TVR from the Russian-born “baby oligarch”, as the new faces of the management.

TVRs look like scary cars.

Scary in a good/bad way.

The top gear episode for the sagaris confirmed this.

Jeremy Clarkson is going to have a shit fit

Nick’s dad’s tvr is hot. Not a new TVR but still not common around here.

i love the TVRs … too bad they will never be US legal :frowning:

damn no bumper/airbags

Who knows, with American ownership, maybe they will make a move to get them DOT legal? Maybe?


Who knows, with American ownership, maybe they will make a move to get them DOT legal? Maybe?


A car company doing something that makes sense? You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting something like that.

Oh god, TVR’s in the USA, pleaseeeeeeeeeee.



^ That looks like it would be a bit of challenge to make those bumpers legal here .
Let’s hope they do it.

^^ exactly … if they did, it would ruin the look of the car.


A car company doing something that makes sense? You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting something like that.


:cry: Ok you got me there.

tvr is one of my favorite cars. first time i ever seen one was in swordfish. the car is amazing and one of a kind looking

i dont see how the front bumpers on the current TVR’s are much different than say an elise or a C6, it probably has more to do with emissions and Crash test demo cars that a LOw production hand built car company can provide. Isnt that one of the reasons the Porsche CGT importation was stopped? Its pricey and downright depressing to hand over perfectly fine automotice works of art to goverment pencil pushers to ram into walls, to simulate normal driving conditions. to make everyone safer. Yes there is a market for exotics in the USA. but for a company to give away 1% of the cars it makes in a year to crash testers probably hurts a lot of feelings.


i dont see how the front bumpers on the current TVR’s are much different than say an elise or a C6


headlights come down WAY to far and arent set back enough to survive a 5mph impact … according to law only the bumper can be damaged during such tests

i think if they got realy creative, they could find ways to mount the headlights so that during and impact they flex out of the way to survive, but i donno

same goes for the rear bumpers, most TVR rears dont seam to be well set up for rear impact testing

i just wish the government would allow exotics to ignore 5mph bumper laws, if you have enough for a TVR, you have enough for some new TVR headlights, lol

time to sex up this thread with the current TVR offerings

No, the CGT production was stopped for two reasons. #1 they were building way to many of them, #2 they couldnt meet new airbag regs for 2006.

I simply love the TVRs for their simplistic approach to driving.

Excellent power
Decent weight
No “non-essential” electronics


Jeremy Clarkson is going to have a shit fit


i was thinking the same thing

meh, pretty cool…but from the side with the top down…look too much like the viper IMO


ugh ugh ugh I fucking love the Sagaris.

I’ll take one in ink blue plz.