When sh*t hit the fan

Wow, look at all the illegal cars being siezed at the border lol. Im gonna keep an eye on the government auction sheets and see if any of them turn up LOL



shitty, looks like they will crush them if the owner does not pay to ship them back…:frowning:

dagger goes into heart

saw this couple days ago…this is sad…why can’t we all enjoy from those beautiful cars.:frowning:

cause thats just logical and a nice idea , my friend.

i sure hope they get sent back, and not crushed…

or better yet, delivered to my driveway for me to enjoy :wink:

Or better yet, shipped to me for free so I can have a pure track car :slight_smile:

car brutality happens everyday in the world lol SAD bUt true

I know, i always wondered this, uptill today i really don’t see any logical reason why these cars are not allowed here, i mean if they wanted to be so anal about this, maybe they should have had usdm versions here from the beginning for people to enjoy, i mean what do we have other than a 350Z (sex), 300zx, supra, we don’t have anything else in the sports car leauge legally avail straight from the dealership.

they should have one of thoes like starving kid commercials for car brutality lol.
anways that guy has a pimp ass job, id beat that r34 all the way to the tow truck
on another note, the people who imported these cars were probably for track related stuff.

and that one mines tuned skyline was hawt.

I HOPE those cars are not crushed… cause it will kill apart of me!!.. i would be going to the bank and getting credit to pay whatever i needed to the get my cars i they were mine

That will suck if the owners don’t pay to ship them back. What a waste if they crush them.

the only reason why cars like that are not here and other similar will never make it…is simple…

GMC FORD CHRYSLER…they cant compete at even close to the same prices…so they bribe pimp and whore the government…

its the only real excuse…what fee’s…??? they charge like $200,000/model for registration data etc…why? keeps out the small companies…

GM couldnt make a real sports car with any kind of longevity if you gave them a gtr and said copy this exactly…

they’d have to put a couch in there
“and that crank material is waay too expenxive…we can save $0.50/vehicle by using recycled toilet bolts”

contoured seats??? do people’s buts still have curves???..naaa cant be true…

why does this seat go so far back??? granny cant reach the pedals… its needs to move so far foreward till the bottom hits the dash…

now what other improvements can be made? hmmmm inline 6??? naaaaw a 7L V8 is cheaper to make than using real pistons and cams…besides this is america…land of the wopper


stupid laws

kazz that was a good rant for sh0

the real question is how secure is the storeage facility people steal shit 24-7 in America why not these? also this is where being a tow truck owner rocks, your truck " breaks down" out side your house and when the cars get ot the yard they don’t have engines or wheels or seats haha

^ +1

haha, please someone make a parody commercial on car brutality every day!! :smiley:

ROFL!!! :i