TW: 07 Cobalt SS/SC

Well maybe late friday night I’ll come stay with you dudes for saturday, we can detail the fuck out of it in your garage and I’ll help you do the brakes and oil at the track. Stop by tomorrow and give me some $$, I’ll get all the shit you need for the oil and brakes at work cheap.

first of all…fuck you for that text…fggt lol

no room in my garage…honduh is in there and i dont have rims :frowning:
maybe i can drop cash off on friday when i get paid and you can get shit for me, and if you want you can pass out at my house friday night. just PM me lol

we can roll it out on tireless steelies. I’ll let you know about friday. I wanna drive sat, but I’m not sure if I wanna be able to afford to or not.


dude your sellin it


it probably wont sell so ill most likely end up keeping it

i’m moving out towards batavia/rochester at the end of summer and a cheaper car would be nice.

I’m going to beat you with a large blunt object.

Get my cock off your mind.

well from the sound of it you have your cock on your mind…and you’re beating me with it?


pads after 13k? clean car though

You have a sick mind.


seriously this thread is stupid…

i saw you last night on sheridan btw. you need to buy the headlights i have forsale and do a HID retrofit.

x2 on this thread being stupid lol

i know i want them! we’ll see next week when i get paid…i r poorz right now :frowning:

i don’t think they are going any where so just let me know

alright i will :tup:

I got an 96 a6 quattro… (awd)… that I am trying to sell… and i love your ss…

whoops nm


anyone interested?

tell your friends, neighbors, babysitter, ex-convicts, child molestors…i dont care who buys it…as long as it gets sold :slight_smile:

i’m interested in swapped hondas w/cash.

i really want a EP3 civic…anyone have one and want to trade?


18k takes it

this may be gone after the weekend son