TWC and Comcast merging

Epic fail all the way :tdown:

Both of these companies had monopolies on markets before this

Errbody is going to get fucked.

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This sums it up

“Comcast/Time-Warner Merger Will Take Cable Competition From Zero to Double Zero

as if they weren’t pricks before. Now they will have a mandatory ass rape clause in their contracts.

Hard to imagine that the federal government won’t step in and at least do a proper evaluation of this. They gave American Airlines and US Airways a hell of time when they merged, and this seems like it would be fucking way more people.

this is bad news bears

I don’t know about your nieghborhoods but I am not able to pick Comcast as a provider now, only Verizon and TWC. I don’t see how this will be any worse. There is always going to be a natural monopoly, with cable companies, it’s a good thing

How are Comcast and Time Warner competitors now? If you live somewhere that has Time Warner you can’t get Comcast and if you live somewhere that has Comcast you can’t get Time Warner. If you don’t have a choice between the two how are they competing for customers?

Their competition is Dish Network, DirecTV and Verizon FIOS (if it’s available). Comcast buying Time Warner Cable isn’t going to change the competition at all.

Comcast is a way worse company with much worse policies then TWC.

It’s also a lot easier for a larger company to throw its weight around with upcoming technologies like IPTV or net neutrality issues.

For example when it came to the telephone market - Breakup of the Bell System - Wikipedia

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its one of those things you can’t do anything about, unfortunately - don’t have cable and internet then, idk.

any chance of being a “new customer” with comcast and at least getting a better rate for a year?

It’s not Ma Bell though. Back then if you wanted phone you had one choice, Bell. Today if you want TV you can go to Comcast, Dish or DirecTV. Internet you have less options but it’s still the same option you had back when Time Warner existed.

I don’t buy the whole “they’ll be bigger and will have more say on neutrality” either because when they were two companies they were obviously on the same side of those issues anyway and combined they still had the same lobbying power.

The big problem was Verizon stopped expanding Fios. It was a legitimate competitor to the bundled cable plans but the cost per mile for new installs was killing them. They realized by the time they rolled fiber across the country to compete with cable they’d spend billions and by that time wireless tech would enable them to do the same thing for 1/10th the cost. So right now they’re just holding off waiting for wireless internet to reach the point where they can push TV and 30-50MB internet to homes wirelessly.

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One place Comcast would gain a lot of power is negotiating with media companies. You know, like the assholes at LIN broadcasting that suddenly demand huge payments to broadcast channels that you can get for free with an antenna.

Facing this tougher negotiating media providers may be forced to look for alternative distribution methods to gain an upper hand, like Hulu or direct channel subs via the web.

I don’t see wireless being ready any time soon for the bandwidth/latency requirements for home Internet/TV especially when you rolling 3D/4K

Cable companies were already working towards fiber into the home technologies and they have fiber all the way up to nodes in local neighborhoods.

Comcast sucks as a company, I cannot see this working out well for us.

Also this made me laugh.

“In 2004 and 2007, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) survey found that Comcast had the worst customer satisfaction rating of any company or government agency in the country, including the Internal Revenue Service.”


People dislike TWC

People fucking hate Comcast

I know they are not exactly the same situations , but I don’t understand why AT&T and tmobile were not allowed to merge and they will let this happen ?
Like jayS said they are not available in the same areas but still

It’s just going to fuck over customers and not help them

Google Fiber is rolling out here now in UT… be interesting to see how they do business wise and if they keep expanding… I know their prices are VERY competative, and their performance BLOWS both Verizon and Comcast out of the water. 1 GB/s home service without the “pipe” issues of cable internet for cheaper/similar prices.

You would be surprised how little most home internet users actually use for bandwidth.

lol lovely.

Yea, most people don’t use squat for bandwidth or data transfer; this I’m aware of. But I’m also aware how much my Comcast internet that I have now BLOWS! 1mb upload speeds if I’m lucky, and 2mb down if it’s the middle of the night… heaven forbid I try and watch Youtube at 5-8pm at night with my neighborhood… I might as well remake the video live, it’d take less time.