Twin Turbo Maxima!!

I disagree. Take it to any Certified Safety technician that sticks to the law and he will tell you otherwise.
Safety inspectors do not allow a car to pass with holes in the floor for three main reasons. The two most obvious ones are that a whole in the floor usually means that it is weaker structurally. The next is that legally they want to keep road debris out and human limbs in.
The third and not so known is that they want to keep exhaust fumes out. Exhaust usually runs below the car and the cabin is isolated from that intentionally. If a gasket ever leaks in some way in this car then those are fumes that the driver has to deal with. Carbon Monoxide is a quick silent killer. It’s extremely toxic and takes a long time to completely leave your system if caught quickly enough.
I can’t ever see any Ministry legally allowing something like this. Even the DMV in the states is not so stupid. Keep in mind, they already allow some pretty messed up things pass legally.