Twin Turbo SR20?

Then buy one…

LOL tell you what Bobby, I’ll go shopping for Fords when you break into the 15’s :slight_smile: lol j/k

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Tell you what Mike, when you get your life out of the shitter, and do something with yourself, then I’ll think about going turbo…

When you start working on your own car, and not taking advantage of others to do it for you, then maybe i’ll think about going turbo…

When you last longer then 10 seconds, then maybe I’ll go turbo…

Don’t irritate me Mike, I’m not in the mood…

Hey Krunk… your car still multicoloured? Still KA? Ever raced it on a track?

So what are you laughing at?

wooteh teh lock monster rides again!



Geez…I didn’t realize it was such a sore spot with you Bobby. I’ll try not to be such a pain in ass the next time I’m helping you install your D2’s :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i locked this for a FUKING reason

if you ladies have a problem take it to PM