Two Questions.

I guess now, After being cheated on twice lol, I start to question a little bit, but I still trust that they have good intentions. I hate when shit is hidden.

But in the end, if I get fucked over I know I will get my revenge…

I’m friends with half the strippers in WNY…Idk if thats a good thing or bad thing but my girlfriend trusts me :lol: so I trust her…

Would you try to become friends with a dude so you know what’s going on?

I keep my pimp-hand strong

Im pretty jealous, thats def my downfall

Id try to scare him away.

danielle dalton?

I would never become friends with them just to find out their deal with my GF. I would become friends with them because they are cool people. Guys tend to be afraid of me though when I meet them and they are talking to my GF so they always are apologetic and explain the situation right away lol

lolz…a prime example of fggts…

a friend of my GF has a friend he works with. Its a girl obv. They have been friends for a while…they txt each other, talk on the phone. The girls boyfriend saw the # on the phone bill…called it and flipped out on this dude. When did it become wrong to be friends with a girl who has a boyfriend? Are guys really that fucking insecure?

i wouldn’t say “usually” , but yes it happens that way sometimes


Life’s too short to be getting worried over this shit. As said a few times now, if someone is this insecure they shouldn’t be in a relationship.

yes… after reading that 10 times to figure out what you said… yes…

I’m cool with it and always have been.

well I same difference, dick or vagina. I don’t get jealous yadda yadda. god I have to call the ex up again and get a good BEEJ from her… she could suck the chrome off a ball hitch…

  1. Sometimes I can get jealous. Not over something like that though.

  2. Depends on how excessive the texting is. If she’s doing it while I’m around a bunch that’s kinda rude.

  3. If you become “good friends” with a girl and you aren’t fucking her you’re either gay or she’s a dyke.

aquaitences no. Depending on what the texts said I might of been a little pissed. Its one thing to be work friends but when you bring that out of work, then it becomes personal. Your a guy, you know what that guy is thinking. Unless shes horribly ugly or fat etc etc

Ok. So what I’ve gathered is…

Most are not jealous. But, most befriend girls because they want to bang them out.

And you’re not worried about a “good friend” trying to bang out your gf?

Or your trying to fuck her. Thats where girls are ignorent to guys intentions. I’m usually not

LOFL this could be why said guy is friends with said girl… IMO