Two Questions.


I lost the whole jealousy thing but like someone said, if things are done in a “secretive or continuous manner” like texting non-stop when it’s just you two, or maybe going out with so and so and THEN telling you afterwards, I’d get a little ticked.

well we know how to hide things.


alls i know is girls dont see it as a problem until the guy does it with girls that are his friends then :shithitfan:

I am friends with ex’s that I have had plenty of sex with in the past, and there isn’t tension now. Like someone mentioned, kinda like a sister (minus the sex thing).

get the f off our avatar you biters!!!

I wouldn’t say I get jealous. I just don’t trust broads…


weird topic because it affects me directly…

i am not a jealous type at all, but my girlfriends best friend is a guy, and he has wanted her for awhile, and still tries to make moves on her, calls her constantly, just doesnt give up, they used to have a little thing…

i dont care if theyre friends you know, friends is friends, but it kinda sucks when someone is constantly trying to push more than that

Do i have girl friends that i don’t ever want to bang? Yes

Do i have girl friends that i do want to bang? Yes

Have i banged out girls that i have/still am friends with ? yes

will i always act on it? no

I’m not the jealous type at all. just friends is just friends. as long as you know the person is loyal then you shouldn’t have any problems w/ her going out with other guys alone. But i usually try to at least meet the guy just to get a feel for him. if i think he’s gonna do something then i just tell the girl to be careful and have fun. since i trust her, she’ll tell me everything. and if she said he tried something but nothing happened, then she stops seeing him, or i stalk him out and scare the crap outta him;)

also i find myself in the “nice guy” spot all too often, but i don’t try to get with them in that sense. there has to be more substance than just white substance in a sexual incounter for me. (…flame on if you must)

Umm actually. i am currently married. jaleousy will do nothing for a relationship but ruin it. if a chick im with wants to talk to some dude than thats fine as long as there arent any alterior motives lurking about. Granted the dude might have something in mind but as long as the chick is cool about just being friends and nothing more than its all good. BUT as soon as i catch wind of said guy trying something or catch wind of him getting all gushy and lov dovy on her, than its time to regulate. Simple as that. All im saying is that too many people act out of pure emotion with nothing viable to back that emotion up.

As far as women being able to hide their fuck buddies. Ya your completely right. Women are incredible at hiding shit. also in their own little minds they dont see it as being wrong.Funny how that works lol.
