Two Questions.

yes…its very disrespectful. But she thinks this kid is a giant FGGT and a fucking creep… so all i do is laugh at him…and how desperate he is.

Dam. i stopped being the jealous type at 16. Some shit might set off alarm bells but until I find solid evidence to go on i never act. Specially not on speculation. As far as being friends with a girl cause shes mad cool… Well. I do think that all men including myself are dogs. Do most men want to bang everything under the sun? Oh ya.

But. Even with all that said I still think that a guy can be friends with a girl despite there being a physical attraction and without them acting on their urges. Trust me on that :wink:

Jealousy, is not worth the effort. If there is a trust issue find someone else.

As long as there is no history behind them; like they hooked up or something or dated.

Again, just a friend they have known, thats fine. They have history or the messages are talking about how good they look or something… no way.

I have debated this. Most of the girls I became friends with were becuase I was attracted to them in one way or another. Either looks and wanting to do them which led to hooking up and then not talking to them anymore becuase I accomplished my goal or the girl was really fun to hang out with and ended up dated.

Ideally, a girlfriend is someone who can be your friend and talk about shits and stuff and also someone who looks good. I have no problem calling my gf and telling her about the poop i took.

Won’t let me vote :gotme:

:lol: Goddamit! More of my mug…

I’m good friends with quite a few girls that I would fuck. I don’t though because its not my intention to fuck a friend or someone elses GF. Well this is recently I broke up my fair share of relationships :frowning:

BTW break up via facebook is hilarious

Well the only reason I posted here was becuase I want to bang dawn

whatever do you mean??


ohhhh snapp

I’m kinda freaked out… but mostly turned on

So what about the girl that would want these “friendships”, yet let the guys go too far, and not allow the guy to do anything about it?

In my last relationship, I had several instances where guys (who wanted to bone her before we dated) would try and take her out to places and invite them to do things “alone”. I knew they wanted a piece due to them being mutual friends and I would always get jealous when she would go along with them anyway, and then be mad at me for getting upset. Another instance was a guy who wrote her three love letters on three consecutive days. I guess they were “friends” but a while but still, love letters? I had a little chat with him, and after I told zee woman, she wanted me to apologize to him for being “controlling” (which I never did). And finally, her first year in college she was almost raped, she called me after the incident and when I asked what his name was she would not tell me to “protect me from myself”.

So I am normally not the jealous type, but do those instances make me the jealous type?
I was unsure so voted herpes


unless you’re an uber pussy, or have no confidence in yourself, jealousy shouldn’t be an issue.

If you’re girlfriend is the type that constantly (like every day, going on several dates etc.) wants to hang out with other guys, and it pisses you off/makes you jealous, she is probably cheating on you. Luckily there are billions more to choose from, so don’t get discouraged. You WILL find someone else that you think is hot that also makes you happy.

and before anyone has a heart attack, this is strictly my own opinion and my way of doing things that has worked for me for years.

The one thing that I have realized in the last few years of being single is how many times I probably was getting cheated on when I was younger and didn’t even know. It’s amazing how good girls are at lying and I never really understood it until I started only messing w/ girls that aren’t single.

i only get jealous… not really jealous but more pissed off when she lies about it. aka meeting off myspace, saying she isnt talking to someone, telling someone they liked him before we started dating. saying the reason she wont hook up with him is because we are dating but never saying she doesnt want to. giving her phone number to random guys that she meets at carnivals/myspace/whereever.

basically i have come to the conclusion that the girl does it because she KNOWS the guy is interested in her and wants to fuck her. when he loses that interest because they are “just friends” (even tho im her boyfriend…but ok) she talks to them or calls them and tries to get them back interested in her.

cliffs: :gotme:

my gf will be like “sure! lets hang out” but she will never hang out nor does she want to.

Trust is key but don’t be a fool.

Translation: Believe that he/she is telling the truth and wait til they prove you wrong before you accuse.

That avatar has herpes now… ewww…

so youre saying, trust them, till they cheat on you? then after they cheat on you u just kinda let it go. im pretty sure every girl knows cheating is wrong, just they dont know what else a guy doesnt like her doing/talking about with other guys

ie: what color panties she wears, her bra size, whether or not she is fully naked when me and her fuck? wierd

oh and then theres the whole “hey come to my party later, but your boyfriend cant come sorry” - he wants to get her drunk and fuck her

dumb girls still say yes because they dont know his intentions.

:lol: Yes! I’m spreading like the herp!