TX2K10 88mm Sierra vs Procharged Z06

its alright dan, he has nothing better to do since everyone else is stealing all his LSX work. So he has to go around different sites following me around like a lost puppy. The time he spends following me and other pittspeed members around, he could actually do something productive

where is the fun in that???
9 second Sierra > fast as balls car

Donno where you got a curb weight of 3400lbs for a Z06… try 3175-lb :smiley:

google :slight_smile:

Your google is broken then.

C5 Z06 Curb weight, 3115 lb
C6 Z06 Curb weight, 3175 lb

You must have found the curbweight for an automatic convertible corvette.

i regoogled and still seen numbers off from yours. i seen in the 32xx range. either or doesnt matter Lil Sis aint something to be taken lightly

Who the fuck cares. People build what they want… I can see the argument that if you are tryign to get to XX seconds in the 1/4…why not pick something without the aero package of an apartment complex?

George, let me be the first to tell you that the trucks mass (not weight) isn’t helping it achieve anything, period. Trucks generate lift at speed, and zero downforce, and zero ability to direct air over/under the face. Your analogy regarding SaltFlat record runs is right, but only due to it’s necessity to hold back thousands of pounds of thrust that even a fraction of a degree of lift could cause takeoff. Simply put mass is not a requirement for speed, COD is. The problem comes into play when trying to get a significantly low COD package around an enormously powerful anything. On the flipside, the Vette has a very nice aero package…but it can be overwhelmed by power production pitching the nose up…again generating lift. I’m not sure where you heard that, and not hating…it just isn’t true.

That said, going that fast in a truck is crazy! Respect due.

Finally got to watch the video… thats not even a Z06

Either way, I do believe both gentlemen were “driving it like they stole it”

Dont look like a Z to me either.

it is a Z. watch the first few seconds on the video as it’s doing a pass by of the vette… you can tell it’s a z0Sex

It’s a C6 coupe with the Z06 rear widebody fenders… Watch it again.

Your mom has zo6 fenders

so yeah… like i said, they aren’t doing 185… faggots.

Maybe 184?
