TX2K11 DVD Trailer - 2011 Supra/GTR Nationals

DVD was released.

Here’s the trailer.

Yea buddy.



sick 2jz mustang

“I think somethings leaking off that bike!”

“Nope those are just tears”


gypsy tears


I need to ball hard. Fml :lol

Why have we not gone yet?

Next year

Delucia, were going next year you promised.

Im in for 2012


Some of the biggest power rides in the county. Can’t miss it breh.

better not flake flaky mcflakerson

Book hotel lemme know. I will give you $ when you do.

its booked, that will be $1000 dollars

Sweet just transfered the funds via paypal.

got em, see you there

You’ll never go.

No, you will never go.

I do agree with your aforementioned statement kind sir.