typical V-dub owner?


Hi mac

thats deffently one way of removing a wheel, woudlnt of been my first or 2nd choice but deffently an option


oh wow…

I was expecting to see a douche with a pink polo that is two sizes too small and a popped collar


i had this happen to me once, but my uncle had torches and heated it up and it finally came loose… definatly a pain in the ass , however this was hilarious to see someone cutting a wheel.

Wow. Looks to me like the typical Honda owner bought a VW.

At least the wheels sucked to begin with.

Lets not forget the “port and polish, honda thread”


WOW…thats amazing…that guy is a pure genius haha he totally owned that wheel.

We have a similar problem with the Mini right now. A piece of a lug bolt broke off and we can’t get it out. I was planning on taking it to a shop to have it removed. Hadn’t thought about getting out the reciprocating saw :x: