U.S. Military and it's spending. *Pic heavy

We own the world.

We are the most powerful nation state in the human history that is unrivaled in it’s dominance.

Thats why small states like to “threaten” us and throw “firecrackers” at us in terms of terror attacks, because there is no means to go against us other then being a pest.

We are literally at a point where nobody will dare conquest us in direct combat. It’s suicidal. Our geographical location combined with our military power means nobody will ever make landfall on our soil in a direct military attack. And even if they did, citizens would welcome it as we would finally have a legitimate excuse to own 88 rifles for every 100 people :lol

We have nuclear subs all over the world, invisible, underwater that can lunch a mutli head nuclear strike on any state or location that dares to go against our citizens. We have drones randomly flying in enemy territories while we are sipping on coffee in a base in NY. We can go into any country at any point in time, undetected, execute a mission and run back out.

It’s rather incredible, and it’s good to be on this side of the fense, but it’s still quite extreme especially considering the state of the economy.

To be fair, I don’t even think cuts in military spending would particularly help, just maybe make it more efficient and cut excess spending like being involved in conflicts overseas.