and besides, if corporate america was so smart they would put an anti-strike clause in their agreement. thats what we have at our work. we cant strike and they cant lay us off. works both ways
and besides, if corporate america was so smart they would put an anti-strike clause in their agreement. thats what we have at our work. we cant strike and they cant lay us off. works both ways
Have you tried to buy anything lately or priced a kid in day care . A small house in a decent area goes in the neighborhood of 100,000.00 plus. Day care for 2 kids 200 to 300.00 a week . If Unions are whats driving the prices up then why aren’t they coming down with all the non union labor ? From the last I heard Mexico and Canada where building alot of our GM cars and trucks. What these people are fighting for is to keep what they have and if they lose it then don’t you think it is going to come back on nonunion jobs also ? You bet your ass it will .
No shit. Believe it or not, companies are in the game to make money. Not to try to hand out high paying unskilled jobs. Do you think stockholders would buy shares of a company that doesn’t make money?
Completey wrong. If you owned a business would you be happy about losing profits?
Most inflation is due to the workers making the same amount of the same product or service every year but wanting more money (i.e. a raise)for doing it. The money to pay the worker more per hour has to come from somewhere, right? Hence increasing the price of the product.
EDIT: I don’t want you to think I’m against employees getting raises, but it should come with a contract for more productivity or better quality. Something for nothing is what causes prices to inflate.
I was in the local 92 in the masury/youngstown area for truckers
They would not help me one damn bit about my situation. finally i just quit and they expect a $108 due :nuts:
The newsletters go straight to the shredder.
/the union.
GM should hire some $20 an hour workers and boot the people went on strike.
No one is against companies making a profit. Just not at the expense of dicking over its workers. Corporate America is so cutthroat and obsessed with the almighty dollar that their employees get thrown under the truck. A person should be able to support themself by working an unskilled labor job 40 hrs per week. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.
thats why it’s unskilled labor :stick: but yet they make alot better wages/benefits than skilled workers :wtf:
wheres the line to say skilled and unskilled.
mikey you blowing dudes on e.carson thats a skill no doubt.
These GM guys are making $25-30 an hour. And now they have to pay for some benefits due to rises in medicare costs. Boo fucking hoo, I pay for my benefits and don’t make anywhere near that.
I don’t know what you do, but do you ever think your under paid? The people making that kinda of money are skilled workers. Not everyone can be a wielder, machinist,die maker, etc… Just like not everyone can be teacher, doctor, or lawyer. Talent deserves to be paid.
“40 hour work weeks, safe work environments, weekends off and benefits you should probably look at history and thank the Unions”
I feel that I’m underpaid everyday of my life. Being in management, Im not in the union. My company made me pay more for my benefits this year, did I walk out? No.
No they arent, I have a friend that works at GM. He sleeps on a truck and occaisionally drives around a skidloader. He makes $28 an hour.
Companies relocating to mexico because americans want to be paid top dollar for making a sub-par automobile, lazy workers, and inflation. Thank you union.
exactly, thank you, then GTFO.
Unions had their place when the workplace was fucking crazy, but it’s not like that anymore. If a company is bad to it’s workers, people don’t work there.
Or maybe there needs to be a IT union Give me a $10/hour raise, better benefits, and the ability to completely fuck off and not worry about losing my job.
Your jobs are already going to India, if you want to make sure almost all of them end up there, start a union.
Unions are bad for the economy, period. This is a fact.
If your employer is screwing you, leave and get a job elsewhere, that is the beauty of freedom. If you don’t have the balls to exercise it, you’d probably be better off in a socialist country.
The real problem is that people are too lazy to go bust their ass, they’d rather just pay union dues and slack off. That is why America is no longer the strongest economy in the world, and it will continue to decline.
People in China work for $5/day because it’s more than they can get elsewhere and they have ambition. People in India get their Microsoft certs and take our IT jobs because they want to build a life for themselves.
People in the U.S. think the world owes them something, and now they want free healthcare too. In short, we’re screwed.
Teachers Unions are complete garbage. Most of the local labor union workers spend more time on unemployment than they do working.
Wal Mart makes a profit from the volume they do. They make a smaller margin than most companies, but do a larger volume. How can anyone be against Wal-Mart? Nobody has to work there, or shop there, but we choose to. Compulsory Union membership is the real crime.
like stated above, i never said i was against companies making a profit, but at the same time their employees should be paid fair wages as well. am i on the side of the UAW? hell no. those guys need to realize that GM themselves is on a downslope and them paying for retirees health benefits is costing them a fortune. so the retirees should be responsible to pay for some of those costs.
unions support SKILLED workers. no union is going to support an unskilled worker. i will admit that there are some corrupt unions but not all are bad.
im pro union all the way.
however, when i look at uaw, i dont see any skilled labor. i see people who stand around for 8 hours a day putting flat steel into a die that presses body parts. or an assembly line worker who may tighten lug nuts on the right front wheel all damn day long. Henry Ford made the assembly line so that his labor didnt need to be skilled. i’m 100% positive gm copied this. the job is not labor intensive, nor is it skilled. imo, it is gravy work. if you can’t make due w/ the 28 an hour wage, then you have problems.
labor unions for the most part have outlived their use. they were fine in the coal and steel booms. they helped get workers out of “pay per lb” on coal, got them health benefits when the workers were dropping like flies from black lung or absestos, and saved them from death when working in unsafe conditions. They also helped save their paychecks when the clothing/food had to be bought from the company store at higher than market value. and lets not forget paying rent on a company owned row house that you share w/ another family crammed in. so in those regards, the worker received autonomy via the labor union.
however, that was 50-100 years ago. In these days-- do your job, and no one bitches. hell, if you do your job, and do it with pride, im more than willing to bet you get a raise or promotted. i know that is how it works for me-- bust my ass, reap the rewards w/ a raise/perks. But i showed my worth via my labor that i was worth the money. As i do my job efficantly and quickly, being meticulous to details.
problem is, no one gives an honest 8hr work day. no one takes pride in their work. all they care about is the paycheck.
yeah in this particular case the union certainly appears to be a bunch of crybaby faggots. But that doesn’t mean all unions are this way.
Only the first sentence sounded pro 2007-union.
actually all the people in India are protesting and saying they want higher wages now. Now there loosing there jobs to people in Indonesia who are working for less then what people in India started making in the first place…
Strike’s over.
true. as unions these days lost sight of what they were made to do-- protect the worker. there needs to be a union to protect the company from workers who fuck off and waste man hours and money.
woot woot