UB Founder's Plaza,

it does smell terrible. Everything there doing there is a waste. Those yellow tile they’re putting in everywhere look fuckin terrible.

who cares, it’s alot better than what it used to be.

And don’t worry, I’m sure there was plenty of unnecessary spending of our tuition costs to go into it when it should have went into MORE FUCKING PARKING!

haha, I was just about to point out the same thing. I have seen 3 people total use those stairs in 3 years


I wondered what I was smelling, when I was 100yds downwind…

Haha, more parking. There is more money in student housing than there is in parking lots. Come on. They don’t want you to commute, they want you to live on campus and shuttle.

i miss college

bump for several gigantic phallics supporting oversized abstract vases.

wtf were they thinking?? I’ll snap a pic on my way out of work

that shit looks retarded. what a waste of cash

ah, I was wondering what that smell was…

5’d for that outstanding illustration. :tup:


yeah its horrendous.

I walked by today and laughed the entire time

those ugly things are made of plastic too. they won’t last too long I don’t think. People are going to go and hang off them till they break.

LOL all those comments are great… geoff your drawing was great… i sit on the bench sometimes right near ur little shitstain area lol… i will never go back :frowning:

any1 know a good bench for me to venture on? : /

also I am a commuter… I feel the rectal itch from UB boning me on parking

also, you know you work in a building full of fellow nerds when somebody chalks this in front of a room number sign… lol



kinda OT, but the chalked “1” reminded me of this. My father got a new cell number about a year ago and I was so jealous. Last four digits are “1337” and it’s pretty funny as he works with/sells computers.

There are a good 7 of these. It’s really hilarious. Who decided on them? They should be fired.

i think they will be cool once they install the flamethrowers in them

A good old fashioned Buffalo snowstorm with 50mph sideways snow oughta straighten them right up. :tup: