UB on CollegeHumor!!

Haha lemme know when you graduate. You can be my paperwork bitch! :tup:

Probably not.


A neurosurgeon studies for an absolute minimum of 14 years before being legally qualified to poke inside someone’s head.

Top brain surgeons make $500k/year or more… How could you begin to tell yourself that somebody that puts a fraction of the time they spent into their education into yours and you think youre going to make anywhere near them…

Can’t find a write up of that jobs manager… But I’d still be willing to bet money that he isnt pulling anywhere near $500k/year

However… lets look at cardiology

TOP cardiology managers/directors pulling in ~$100,000/yr+(managers), ~$120,000/yr+(directors)…

TOP cardiology physicians pulling in ~$350,000/yr+…

my point is just because you manage somebody it doesnt mean you make more than them… if you honestly believe different, you are setting yourself up for a wakeup call when you hit the real world.

lol @ when i see 85% of these business majors working at the mall.

no i will not buy your god damn windshield wipers.

:wtf: i used to do that in the galleria, about 6-7 years ago. the people working there were awesome, and we were right in front of victoria’s secret. also for every windshield sold we made $40 on top of minimum wage. Selling two windshields a day was common. For being 18 I didn’t mind making that much money staring at girls all day.

im a business major, i go part time and already have what is going to turn out to be a great job. so :gotme:

Of course not, but people that manage hospitals 1) didn’t go to UB 2) make a pretty penny 3) work as many if not more hours than the doctors and 4) have no lives outside of their work.

And I’m accepted into UoR’s undergrad in neuroscience, but…wow, it’s a lot to think about. A lot…

so what your saying is ub is a bad school and everyone that leaves ub with a degree will make less money?

confused. . . .


No, I think all schools for “management” are pretty stupid. This includes an MBA, which is a relic of the 90s.

And for the record, I really do think UB is a good school.

woah, no need to flip…I said poor as in someone I feel bad for, not as in being without money…and I never said that management necessarily makes more than who they manage

why would you feel bad for them? they didnt pick the same exact route of life you did? they chose to retire with $4329463294623948723? thats a bad thing?

for the record, I am a business major… but I don’t consider people in other majors idiots… and i REALLY dont think UB’s school of management stupid, or that any other schools of management are stupid for that matter… you cant take just anyone and expect them to be a leader… maybe you dont understand how indepth the field is and the knowledge it actually takes to run a business and manage employees… you (redgoober) are really just saying I am going to school for 4 years to become a babysitter… which isnt really how the job works… you make yourself sound ignorant and not well informed… so step back… maybe do some research, take a few classes… then feel free to comment…

edit: Nvm, I see what you think… Management college grads use their degrees to get themselves mc.Ds manager positions? Yes, some management positions are pretty much babysitting to some degree (like Mc D) but those jobs DONT require a degree… Much of high level management is more psychology rather than just babysitting…

ok dude, u need to calm down…what I said wasn’t real serious…no need to twist everything I post and act like I said something that was meant to be super offensive

Then what exactly did you mean? :lol: :roll:

no, you’re right, I was trying to call everyone in every other major than business stupid…and I was trying to say that everyone who is not management is a bum and makes no money…

why try to pick an arguement? like I said, I wasn’t being serious…and I don’t see u saying anything about the original post…just drop it…no big deal

Well this has most certainly become entertaining.

werd. A lot of people think that managers will make more than the people they outrank mainly because that’s how it is in retail. Obviously medical and legal positions will be the exact opposite.

The world needs <insert: EXPERT> burger flippers :shrug:

I digress, if you can handle working for a fair sized company with a handful of people under you, you deserve the nice pay. However, I do think degrees combinging more, such as finance, with business are a bit more helpful than just business administration.

And how can I complain, my dad is a manager and that’s paying my tuition.

Hundreds of Thousands of kids take business classes every year… You better have your shit together, or be extremely lucky to come out on top of that cut throat feild… I’m talking 6 figures. 5 figures is mickey mouse bs. Some would say 6 figures is too.

So… howabout them cans?

People think ub is a super shitty school. It isn’t. It is a good school, especially their grad programs. whatever.

holy cow i’m totally going soo fast

wtf is going on with this thread? Started with a cool picture and now is a shit storm.