UB on CollegeHumor!!

lol at the cans

for the people putting down management majors… just wait until you make it to the work force and have a retard for a manager. one of those jack offs that didnt go to school, has no people skills, and no idea what hes doing.

anyone in charge of other people should be trained to, or have a lot of experience. dealing with tens or hundreds of confliting personalitites while keeping then working and profitable is not always as easy as it looks.

please, those of you who have never worked anywhere but the mall, or are still in school getting an allowance from mommy and daddy… keep your mouths shut, you are making yourself look like a fool in front of the grown ups.

and no, none of my times through college was i a management major.

Actually, my best managers had a degree in something else, but please keep talking it makes this board go round.


did he work at burger king with you?

You dont just become a manager in anything because you have a management degree, maybe the manager in a mall or something shitty. Basically any “manager” has worked there way from the bottom to ge to that position. So what does a management degree do for you, not too much. I should know, I have a business management degree. Sure didnt get me much after school was complete, I was selling cars at Don Davis.

Actually, where do you work? And this was actually Rich Products last summer. But anyway…

And nice job giving me negative karma. If I wasn’t a little baby without any confidence in my ability to debate I would return the favor.

:lol: at what my business majors comment started
actually for the record there are other business majors than management…I’m currently a Finance/5 yr MBA student so i get my undergrad in finance and then the MBA.
Plan / goal is to use the finance as a springboard to get into upper management, because i do think strictly MGT degrees are a little narrow.
but yeah, compared to 99% of majors, if you actually give a shit the pay to work ratio of a business degree is unparalleled.

i work for the as the head of purchasing for one of the largest fitness retail company in the country.

i deal with store managers and other ass hats on power trips all day. the ones that have business degrees tend to have stores that produce higher numbers, and a happier crews.

my job has nothing to do with anything i have ever studied… i thought about going back and getting a business degree, but i dont want to do this forever. maybe i will go be a teacher… i like the idea of summers off.

Ooooooooooooh. Get me an elliptical cheap and you can give me all the negative karma you could ever dream of. :slight_smile:

what makes you so special that you shouldn’t have to pay what everyone else does?

there is no welfare or out reach programs here, we are republicans. we hate poor people; however, if they (poor people) could afford to spend money here, and increase my earnings i think we would like them.

Do you read Ann Coulter books?

i dont know how to read. i’ve gotten this far pretending… i figure why change what works.

Okay, Fantasia.