UFC 68 Couture returns!!

couture vs silvia for heavyweight title.
whatcha think

i think it will be good, someone needs to dethrone tim. im in the process of getting some tickets to this fight, its pretty rare they come to the east coast.

its gonna be a good card, Huges is fighting Lytle and franklin is fighting Macdonald, that should be 2 decent fights for there first fights after the loses.

excelent fight i think SILVIA’s gonna take it!

how do you figure?

i meant its goin to be an excelent fight

thats not what you said though

but thats wat i meant to say!! the fight isnt til the begining of febuary

from what i have read Couture just went through a messy divorce and bitch cleaned him out…he needs the money and after how much Tito and Lidell brought in, its an easy decision

Franklin needs to destroy Macdonald early to save face (haha…) after Anderson Silva rearragened his nose an inch to the right…but Macdonald is pretty tough

 Hard part for Couture is going to be getting inside on sylvia to take him down. If he can't get past sylvia's reach he's gonna have his work cut out for him.  Syliva has to work on his takedown defense, I don't think he's faced a wrestler of Couture's caliber.  If Sylvia is taken down Couture might have a hard time keeping him down because Sylvia is just HUGE.  Either way Couture has his work cut out for him.  But who knows...Couture could surprise everyone and strike and possibly out strike Sylvia just like he did Liddel.
 As for the other fights...Hughes shouldn't have a problem with Lytle, and I think Franklin will handle Macdonald fairly well.

as long as huges dont try to stand with lytle he shouldnt have to such of a problem, but hes on this kick that he wants to knock someone out.

i think franklin and macdonald should be pretty close on the ground, so hopefully franklin keeps it on his feet

i think couture got the best chance out of anyone(even though i wanted to see tim fight vera). monson is actually really good on the ground with submissions, tim defended them really well but i dont think tim is gonna have much of a chance against coutures ground and pound.

I didn’t even think about the Monson fight, Sylvia almost had Monson caught in a triangle. That says a lot considering he’s an abu dabi (sp?) champ. But couture intensity level is super high and his ground and pound is awesome. I don’t think Hughes will stand with lytle considering he got manhandled by GSP trying to stand. I think he’s mad and just wants to beath the crap out of someone with some GnP. Franklin has some really good kicks and knees so that should be enough to wear Macdonald down and win against him.


Sad day in UFC

thats a bummer,im a fan of randy but i think fedor would of beat him.