
Why don’t women ever consider silence an option? I’m having some relationship problems with my family (which is a big deal to me because I basically grew up in a Leave-It-To-Beaver type of family) and I’m handling it my way and all I hear from the woman is :blah::rant:

Uggh, just shut up already!


pics of female family members

I take it you are referring to your gf. As my father explained to me in going thru my own relationship issues lately is that women love to just think outloud. Men want to internally sort through things and the 2 sides clash. Realize she is only trying to help you but in a girly way which definetly pisses closed emotional guys off. Just say…I appreciate the help, but its something I have to sort out…if I need help I will ask.

omfg at least you have someone to have a somewhat fucking normal conversation or argument with. talking to my brother is like talking to a brick wall. i honestly think he is the dumbest person ever to talk to (but one hell of a welder when he gets his ass in gear)

he gets all upset about something. then i tell him what he can change so this dosent happen again, but he keeps going back to the original thing. its always the other persons fault. never his. so fucking frusterating.

women will never shut up. i know when i’m obnoxious but i just continue…i think a slap would stop me…but probably not.


oh no that might not be such a good pic now that there are femles lurking about :lol:

that is all.