Ugh, Delays

5 minutes + JB Weld = Fixed

Ok I’m kidding.
Hybrid FTF (for the fix)


i will find out today whats up

that’s what i’m saying… shit, just spend a little money, they’ll do it up right - and you’ll have the kaa out before november that way :tup:

the thing is, i shouldent have to spend any EXTRA money at all. this is suppose to be a bolt on kit.

nothing is ever simple…

fucking :word: man

like the other guys were saying take it to Lee have him fab up a piece…then bill the company…they are gonna jack u on shipping delays

There is ALWAYS extra money spent on a turbo kit.

looks like im gonna have to work w/ it.

^^^wtf ??? they wont fix it ?

partial charge back by your CC company FTW

they said it should fit fine , if you just play around w/ it/ by bolting on the flange first to the waste gate and mess around w/ the v-band clamp. and i quote the IS boards

so im gonna have to look into this.

wow, they suck at fab work

install your exhaust, make sure theres no pretension on the exhaust pipe that could cause a leak at the vband clamp or anything, and have lee fix the flange

that way when things heat up, nothing wants to leak or crack

yea i def dont want an exhuast leak.

yup looks like im cutting it.

just use smaller bolts in the other flange and rotate it a few degrees. It’s not a load bearing part…

i agree, just have us fix it lol and make them re imburse you. Get an ok on this first of course :stuck_out_tongue:

guy doing my install (RacerX) tried heating up the flange from the manifold to the wastegate… he said he got the angle better but the height still has a big issue.

i coulda told u that was gonna happen.

take it to hybrid

I feel your pain. Waiting sucks.


BTW, you really love this site eh derrick?