Ugh help i have computer problemsssss

Yea thats what its doing i got malwarebytes to work in safe mode and take care of the websites not opening and opening advertisement sites but still have the ntdevice.exe erron on start up

can you run malwarebytes (update it first) in normal mode?

nope still when i click it it does nothing i have kaspersky running right now and its taking for ever lol but thats where im at right now

microsoft security essentials

Install ubuntu

At this point I think you should reformat…

Removal is a waste of time these days. The malware/virus shit embeds so deep it fubars the core of the OS typically. You’ll spend hours trying to fix it when those hours could have your data backed up and a fresh copy of windows installed. Time is money…don’t waste time. :wink:

Reformatting shouldn’t be the first thing on your mind when you get a strange pop-up. If you spend a bit of time and narrow down the causes, you can figure out these problems pretty easily. Unfortunately fixing computer errors over a forum with no computer in front of me is not my forte. Therefore baby stepping through some possible solutions is about the best idea I have right now.

I ran that microsoft security essentials and it did find a couple things and deleted them but after they deleted they disappeared off the list so i cant tell you what they were. The comp is running much better now though just have the ntdevice.exe error which i guess i still need to look into.

O also malwarebytes actually opens normally now so i guess were getting somewhere LOL.

And yea reformatting is not really on my list of things to do right now.

If you go into the History in Security Essentials does it tell you what they are? As soon as that ntdevice pops up can you check the application logs? (Start >> Run >> eventvwr.msc) if you can provide the log that might help even more. On windows 7 I don’t have anything named ntdevice.exe, just checked a computer at work with XP on it…Don’t see it either. Pending that log, and a system restore point beforehand, it may be safe to just delete it.

Ran malwarebytes found ntdevice.exe error along with 22 other errors removed and restarted no more error on start up and seems to be working correctly again. So i think were good to go i have a new av running kaspersky plus malwarebytes and microsoft security essentials sooo hopefully im in the clear. Thanks for the help along the way.

Glad to hear! Although I really don’t reccomend running more than one A/V at a time (malwarebytes doesn’t count). A lot of times I’ll see a virus or malware insert itself into system32 as a bogus DLL file. This is basically what it did.

Yea you really don’t want to run multiple AV programs

ok well i guess ill stop using microsoft for the time being then and jsut run kaspersky