Ugh pharmaceutical sales

Wow, how profound. Its my mission to find a company who is all about losing money…oh wait.

So you’ve mentioned a handful of drugs that have been found to cause problems with their users.
How may drugs are on the market right now? Thousands of name brand and probably even more generic. Unless you mean to tell me that every single one of those drugs has ill effects to a person, then I fail to see how drug reps or their employers are unethical. They have a job to do. They sell the products their company produces. Do you really think that a company says “Let’s manufacture a drug that we claim does one thing, but then let it totally screw up the person taking it other ways.”? That’s a pretty poor business practice even for the big bad drug companies. If their products were so ineffective, these companies would cease to exist.

I know you like to get caught up in your, big business is bad, and wanting to fight “the man” or whatever, but the simple fact is, I take the studies and research of highly trained and skilled scientists over a 20 something kid with 5 years of “research” under his belt.
I’m sure you and Michael Moore will have plenty to talk about when his new documentary comes out.
I’m not trying to be a dick, but it seems that this arguement has some holes.