Ugh pharmaceutical sales

The FDA is a crock of shit…A total joke that is virtually ran by pharmaceutical corporations.

Do some looking, you’ll find proof of successful, life saving drugs whose FDA approvals were thrown out, all because it wasn’t patentable and they couldn’t make a profit on it.

The whole industry is screwed. Take allergy medication for instance.There is the drug Zyrtec here in the United States. It is a effective way to help deal with allergy symptoms, but in order to fuel a pointless trail of income for the medical industry, it is an exspensive prescription drug. But only in America. It is OTC in Canada, at a quite low cost. Not much more than pseudophedrine is.

Then one also must love how the FDA condemns herbal remedies, again because they cannot be patented. I have a yellow lab. he is prone to horrible ear infections, that occur often with very intense effects. The vet wants to jump on prescribing this $100+ bottle of antibiotic solution. When instead for $20, we have been able to successfully treat, and in most cases more effectively treat his ear infections with Tea Tree Oil.