Ugh...soo hungry

Ok i’m bored at work and I can smell the breakfast for the players from my office. I think I might have just drooled on the keyboard.

eat something?


and bacon?

In the shower?

there is a solution to your problem.

but… WHAT?

McDonald’s Big Breakfast

The solution couldn’t be any more obvious. You need to bang your bosses wife.


The solution couldn’t be any more obvious. You need to bang your bosses wife.


and eat her box. its so filling.

I hear dollar general has moonpies

(that was for fuzzy)

Solution was going to the golden arches and getting…PANCAKES, that’s right Fuzzy, pancakes.

I spent the day fixing a sewage pump. Its amazing how you can be looking at a septic tank with turds and other yuk yuks floating around and be really hungry…so I went for a cheeseburger. You get so used to it after a while it doesnt even bother you. The electricians that were wiring up the new pump were gagging from the sewage smell and I’m sittin there eating my lunch lookin down the man hole. After being an EMT and now doing this…I dont think anything will ever gross me out again lol.


Solution was going to the golden arches and getting…PANCAKES, that’s right Fuzzy, pancakes.




I spent the day fixing a sewage pump. Its amazing how you can be looking at a septic tank with turds and other yuk yuks floating around and be really hungry…so I went for a cheeseburger. You get so used to it after a while it doesnt even bother you. The electricians that were wiring up the new pump were gagging from the sewage smell and I’m sittin there eating my lunch lookin down the man hole. After being an EMT and now doing this…I dont think anything will ever gross me out again lol.


every time you post, I get happier that I am not you and do not have your life.


every time you post, I get happier that I am not you and do not have your life.




every time you post, I get happier that I am not you and do not have your life.


lol. yeah well. When it all boils down to it, it is not the greatest job but it is a job. I am paying off my bills, getting out of debt and recovering my credit. so Idc. At the end of the day I can come home, take a shower, and not have to think about it. It’s a pay check.


lol. yeah well. When it all boils down to it, it is not the greatest job but it is a job. I am paying off my bills, getting out of debt and recovering my credit. so Idc. At the end of the day I can come home, take a shower, and not have to think about it. It’s a pay check.


ya, but you are knee deep in shit all day and you earn about as much as a trained monkey…