Ugh the stomach flu SUCKS!!!

Well, it went something like this for my house…

Scott’s daughter Trinity stayed home from school cuz she wasn’t feeling well, she threw up a couple of times, then was better for a few days and started doing it again, except she threw up AT school. She came home, we took care of her. A day or two later, I make him something quick to eat before work, he goes to work and seems perfectly healthy. I get a text an hour later telling me he just threw up, but it staying at work. Another hour later, I get a text saying he threw up 3 more times and will be home in 20 minutes. I go home from shopping a few hours later, take care of him and against my better judgement, sleep in the same bed with him. Then the night before last, his youngest daughter yack’s all over my couch and continue’s to throw up randomly until about 3am. I went to bed early that night cuz I was feeling icky… NOW, I’m getting the full on, whatever the hell it is they had and I hate my life. :frowning: